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I'm gonna smile like
Nothing's wrong,
Pretend like every-
Thing's all right,
Act like it's all
Perfect, even though
Inside it really hurts

-F R A N C E S C A-

Cami and I walk back up the main corridor. It was lunch time so we walk straight to the cafeteria and we see our table, Ludmi and Naty already sitting there.

"Hey Fran, still on for tonight?" My guy for the week asks.

"Sorry Alex. Something came up," I apologize half heartedly.

I didn't really care if he really wanted to be with my tonight. I just didn't need another annoying guy on my mind. Alex nods and walks away. The best thing about having Diego as my boyfriend, was he didn't care about how many guys I slept with while we were together, he slept with a lot of girls as well. We were great.

"Hey babe," Diego says kissing my cheek.

"Hi, what's up?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"The usual, Lara and Leon snogging," Diego says and I roll my eyes.

I don't know why it still hurt.

"Well see you later," Diego says and he pecks my lips.

I walk over to our table and Cami was engaged in a conversation with Naty.   Ludmila were eating silently.

"Can you two make love somewhere else?" Diego asks somebody, but I already knew it was 'Leonara'


"No Leon!" I scold him. "You cannot just kiss me during lunch!" I say in a whisper shout.

"Why?" Leon whines. He was adorable.

"Other people don't like it," I explain glancing at Diego.

"Fine," Leon says and he gets up.

I give him a confused look and he pulls me up from my chair. I was about to ask him what was he doing when he gave me one of those 'Trust me' looks. I sigh and he drags me out the cafeteria.

My food...

Leon takes me to the auditorium which was empty. He pushes me against the wall and whispers against the side of my neck.

"This fine?" He asks me and I nod.

Leon's lips attach onto my neck and he slowly moves upwards with butterfly kisses. He reaches my lips and kisses my hard. I tangle my fingers in his hair and he groans.

After a few minutes of our make out session we break apart leaning our foreheads against each other.

"That was nice," I breathe and he chuckles.


Stupid memory. I hated remembering parts of my relationship with Leon. I hated remembering the other Fran, the Fran that had her heart broken. I had worked so hard to make a shell over my heart, so it could never be broken, and yet having those memories makes it slowly crack.

"Fran!" Ludmila yells and I turn to her, eyes widened.

"Whoa, what happened?" I ask sitting down.

"We were thinking, and we aren't sure we really like this new Fran," Naty speaks and I blink a few times.

"I've been like this for a while now, why complain now?" I ask putting my hands on the table.

"You've been getting out of hand! You are such a flirt! All those guys you have flings with, they are actually hurt that you just use them for one day," Naty says and I almost laugh.

"Not my fault! I mean I do have a boyfriend," I say in a 'matter of fact' tone.

"We aren't sure we can put up with you," Ludmila says and I let out a small laugh.

"What?" I ask when I see their unamused faces. "Cami?" I ask and my best friend sits next to me.

"You three are out of your minds! Are you seriously ditching us like this? You put up with her for so long and now you just want to end the friendship!" Cami yells and I smiled at my best friend.

"Actually, we want you to still be our friend," Naty says and Cami scoffs.

"And leave my best friend alone! My best friend for so many years for a bunch of backstabbing bitches! Uh no thank you!" Cami yells furiously.

"Just leave. You are not welcome here anymore," I say to them but they remain sitting.

"Actually, I think I would actually prefer to sit with the guys," Cami intervenes.

I shrug and get up. I look back at them with disgust. I could not believe they just did that to me. I was getting out of hand- pssh. The only bad part about sitting with Diego and the guys was that Leon, Lara and Gery were also there. I have to learn to be next to him, almost like a way to show everybody that I had moved on.

I sit next to Diego and Cami next to me. I drape an arm over Diego's shoulder and he smiles at me.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Diego asks.

"Well long story short, our friends kinda ditched us, well more me," I explain and he pats my shoulder sympathetically.

"Look, the whore is here," Lara laughs.

I roll my eyes. Her short words didn't affect me, many people called me a whore. But what  many people didn't know was that Lara was a bit of a whore herself. Leon, who had now given up on his cheating ways, thought his wonderful girlfriend was completely dedicated to him, and  that she would never give herself to another man. You know what I thought, what a load of rubbish.

Lara slept with as many guys as I did, if not more. And I never kept my sleeping round a secret, Diego knew and he was fine with it. He had to be if I was to be fine with him sleeping with girls. Diego said Lara had even come to him for a day, but she used him like twice. At least I wasn't a liar.

"Whatever Lara," I reply not caring.

"Well she isn't wrong," A voice says, a voice I was hoping I would not hear today.

'Oh really?" I smirk at Leon, putting my elbows on the table and my chin on my hands.

"Yeah, I cannot believe I dated you," Leon shakes his head in shame.

"The shame is all mine, I hate myself for dating a cheater, I wonder leon, did you ever tell anybody about how you cheated on me with my sister?"

DUN DUN DUN! So you will find out more on this mysterious sister in  the next chapter. What do you think?

Thanks for reading!

Sorry if there are many mistakes, I typed it on my other keyboard, the doc.


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