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Hey! So it's been like a month! And I'm very sorry! But the thing is that recently, I haven't been writing as much, because with the two new books I had already written enough chapters that I didn't have to write as much. This book, and my one shots, well I need to actually write. Which is quite hard.

But anyway, I'm writing. So I'm sorry, and I'm pretty much wasting your time with this long note, but I really wanted to apologize. This is short and terrible.

And I think I'm going to shorten this and make it thirty chapters, with an epilogue, that may be two parts. I just don't want to keep this and then not update a lot. I feel bad.

a breakup is like a broken mirror

it's better to leave it than hurt

yourself trying to pick up the pieces


I knock on the door of the Caviglia household. As Violetta's boyfriend, I felt like it was only common courtesy that I picked her up.

Like I used to do with Francesca.

I shove the thought out of my mind. The door is opened and I see Luca, their older brother. I expected him to glare at me, since after all I cheated on his little sister, with his other little sister, but instead he just raised his eyebrow.

"Who are you?" Luca asks.

I choked a little. Did he not know who I was? Recognize me? Anything?

"I'm um, Violetta's boyfriend," I say unsurely.

Only now he glared at me. But that was a simple brother's protectiveness. Which was normal. Lara's brother never warmed up to me, maybe he knew that she and I were just not going to work out.

He calls Violetta after glowering at me for a few minutes. Violetta comes down, and she smiles when she sees me.

"Hurt her, I break you," Luca says bluntly.

Did he not care I already hurt Francesca? Did he not keep up to date with his other sister? Did he not know anything? I felt like screaming at him but decided against it.

I nod, and Violetta smacks his head, before he walks away. She runs over in her wedges, I was a bit scared she might fall, and gives me a hug. As we hug, I looked at the staircase, and saw Francesca walk downstairs.

My heart stopped, and she froze. We locked eyes. Our gaze only broke when Violetta broke the hug. She smiles at me, before slipping her hand into mine. I sigh. I couldn't even deny that I still had feelings for her. Strong feelings. But I had to try and forget them.

It was better for both of us.

Violetta and I start walking, she calls a goodbye to Francesca, she probably didn't even know she was on the staircase. I glanced back, and saw Francesca slam the door.

"She's been in such a bad mood lately," Violetta bites her lip.


Violetta giggles. There were some things about her that had changed drastically. Her style for instance. Her pants or jeans had changed to short, even above the knee skirts. She wore crop tops now which was quite a change, because before she detested them.

Moving changed her.

But during that time we all changed.

I became worse. My relationship with Lara hardly mattered, I still slept around with other girls.

Francesca totally changed. She gained a bad girl reputation, and probably ended up in bed with more people than me. Which said something. And she started dating the bad boy, Diego Hernandez.

Diego used to spite me. He knew my past with Francesca, and when he started dating her, he pretty much rubbed it in. I actually don't know why so many people think he is a saint. Or at least used to, before he beat me up.

I could still remember the fight clearly. Every punch, every kick. I knew it wasn't only because of Francesca. Diego and I, simply had a history. We had always been in a competition, if you could call it that.

It was probably more him than me. He would try to be better than me at everything. It really all started when we were a lot younger. From then he's hated me. Hated me.

"Leon, are you alright?" Violetta asks, putting a hand on my shoulder concerned.

"Yeah, just thinking," I reassure her.

She smiles and kisses my cheek. When we get there, she walks away from me and to her friends. I see Andres talking to Camila, and grin.

Those two were spending an awful lot of time together.

I walk over, and they both grin at me. Camila had warmed up to me again, even though she still criticized Violetta. Violetta was the spawn of the freaking devil, in Camila's eyes. I knew she wasn't exactly the same angel she was, but that was going a little far.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Camila asks.

"Her friends," I answer and she nods.

I opened my mouth to speak when we heard a gasp. I turn around and just see a mop of black hair disappear down the staircase.

"Fran," I murmur under my breath.

Camila gets ready to leave when I put a hand in front of her to stop her. I give her a look saying I'll take this one. I walk down the stairs and finally realize that we were going down to the gym.

Francesca likes boxing now.

I forgot.

When I reach the gym I see Francesca punching the punching bag. She punches it more, and then rests her head against it and let's out a deep sigh.

"Hey," I finally manage.

"What?" She asks without turning around.

"I want to talk. You know, I want to be friends," I say and she scoffs.

"We can't be friends," Francesca says and I sigh.

"We can," I protest softly.

"You're dating my sister."

I bite my lip. She was right. We couldn't be friends.

But I wanted to.

"We can make it work. It's us,"

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