T H I R T Y {last chapter}

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Gif here because they hate to play in the proper media thing

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Gif here because they hate to play in the proper media thing. I really don't like putting them here, but I loved the gif.


It was obvious Francesca was avoiding me.

But I really couldn't blame her.

I had gone and kissed her. Kissed her. Sure she didn't have to kiss me back, but I was more in the wrong than her. I'm the one dating somebody.

When I walked back into the party last night, I couldn't even look at Violetta. Not with the guilt. But I couldn't help myself. The moonlight had shone on her perfectly. The world was practically telling me to kiss her.

And I did.

It was everything I had been longing for, and missing when I kissed Violetta. The passion, and the fact that I didn't love Violetta. I never really did. I just liked her. And she liked me.

So why not start a relationship right?

Wrong, it's terrible! Because the whole time all I've ever wanted was Francesca. It just felt so right in the moment.

And plus, the jealousy of seeing her and what was his name- Alex, right, kissing stirred something inside of me. The talk was supposed to be that I think Alex is not good enough for her.

Francesca was beautiful, intelligent, kind, all with just the right amount of sass. Alex, well he was a little good looking. Maybe it was the jealousy talking but I didn't see him and her together.

You only see yourself.

Shut up conscious.

But no, my hormones got the best of me and there I was kissing her. It was probably one of the best kisses we had ever shared. I still felt the tingle of her lips on mine, even after a cold shower this morning.

I thought the cold water pelting down on my body would help. It did, for the period of time that I was in the shower. Well except there were times when I thought of how warm Francesca's lips were as I kissed her.

It just made turn the water even colder.

But here I was sitting in class, Francesca being the only thing on my mind. I had to swap seats with Camila today, since she wanted to sit next to Andres, so I wasn't in the front, pretty much hating life.

My thoughts were being consumed by Francesca so much, that I didn't even have enough time to tease Andres and Camila about getting together. Federico owed me ten bucks.

"Class dismissed," The teacher says.

Andres and Camila come to my desk holding hands. I smile, and they look down at me with eager grins.

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