243 19 9

You are not sorry,
You did it
You are sorry
I found out

-F R A N C E S C A-

Our sister is coming? What the hell?

"Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief.

Please, please oh God please don't let it be true, I cannot be in the same house as my sister after what she had done.

"Yes! How great it this!" Luca exclaims.

He was very excited to have my twin sister back. We were fraternal twins, so we didn't look alike. I had Raven black hair, she had chocolate brown hair the last time I saw her. She went on an exchange with a student to America, but I guess the witch is coming back.
"I need to go pick her up,I will be back in half an hour," Luca says and he kisses my cheek.

Luca practically runs outside and I run up to my bedroom. I take out my phone and text Cami.

Best friends needs best friend! Come quick! Emergency! x

I see immediately it's read, no reply but then she goes offline. I really need her. I can't have my sister back. Not my sister.


"C'mon Fran! Forgive me!" Vilu pleads.

I look into her soft brown eyes, she wanted to cry. But she had no reason to cry, I was the one who was betrayed, and had my heart broken. Had the person I trusted the most, ruin my life.

"You knew I loved him! I hate you!" I yell coldly and now tears roll down her cheeks, "You have nothing to cry about!" I shout angrily.

I begin walking away but Vilu grabs my wrist. She pulls me back and turns me to face her, her face was tear stained.

"It just happened, but he likes you more! We were just a small thing!" Vilu protests and I laugh cooly.

"There shouldn't have been a thing," I hiss and push her off me.

"So what will this do to us?" Vilu asks sniffing.

"You may live with me, but you are no longer my sister," I spat and walk away, hearing her fall to the ground sobbing.

I run outside but immediately regretted it. Leon was there with a worried expression.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask him crossing my arms over my chest.

"I came to apologize, and explain," Leon says calmly and I scoff.

"What? I never meant any of it, it just happened. It means nothing. I'm sorry, forgive me? Well that excuse can go to hell! Apologize my ass! You would've carried on if I didn't find out!" I yell but before he could speak I carried on.

"You know I trusted you! I thought you were different but it actually turns out you aren't! It's funny how betrayal doesn't come from your enemies! I loved you Leon! I gave you everything, but it wasn't enough was it? You had to go for my sister! That bitch, who actually agreed! You have ruined my life! I fucking hate you! Leave me alone!" I yell blinking back the tears threatening to spill.

Leon takes a step forward and I push him away scowling at him. How dare he?

"Get the hell away from me! Leave!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Leon opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, "LEAVE!"

Leon gives me one last glance and starts to walk away. I wipe away a few tears with the back of my hand and shout again.

"In case it never got through your thick head, we are through!" I yell and slam the door.

I run up to my room and finally cry

// {this is where the memory in the first chapter comes in}

I slam my fist on the desk in my room and scream. Why? That memory was just as bad as when I cried.

"Fran, what's going on?" Cami bursts through the door.

I immediately go up and hug her tightly.

"It's her Cami, she's coming back," I say to her and she tenses up.

"I brought clothes, because of how urgent that message was. I'm gonna stay with you, I won't leave you alone," Cami promises breaking the hug.

She strokes my cheek telling me it was going to be okay, but I kept on glancing out the window. I felt a bit better knowing Cami would be with me for a while, Cami hated Vilu as much as I did because of what she did to me. We hear a car and look outside to see Luca jump out the car. I turn away before looking at her.

"C'mon, let's go," Cami says and takes my hand to lead me down.

I stand behind Cami, I don't know why but I felt almost afraid. Luca says he will let up all catch up and he goes into his room.

"Oh Cami!" Vilu exclaims and she goes in for a hug but Cami stops her.

"I hate you," Cami says and steps to the side for me to see her.

I gasp slightly at her. Her hair was now blonde, like Ludmila. She was wearing much shorter clothes, it was a short skirt and a crop top, with high heels. I guess she gave up with the innocent act.

"Franny!" She smiles and comes to hug me but Cami interrupts her.

"You make physical contact with her, and my fist will make physical contact with your face," Cami says and Vilu steps away.

"Are you saying you still don't forgive me! C'mon Franny! That was so long ago!" Vilu says rolling her eyes extra long.

"Still fresh in my mind," I hiss and Vilu sighs.

"I was really hoping we could be best friends and sisters again!" Vilu says giving me a smile.

"Cami is my best friend and sister," I answer her with a straight face. I see Cami grin in the corner of my eye.

"Are you saying there is nothing I can do to make you forgive me?" Vilu asks, it looked like she genuinely wanted us to make up.

"I got an idea," Cami chimes in, "die."

I chuckle lightly and my best friend gives me a wink. Vilu looks at me with her puppy dog eyes, which I had become immune to.

"Your room is still in the same place. Don't bother us," I say and I turn around my hair whipping around.

I grab Cami's hands and take her upstairs to my room.

"That was good," Cami compliments.

"Yeah, the first day. She's staying now, not going back. Let's hope I don't crack," I say, and now I was really afraid.

What do you think? So basically chapters are going to be 900+ unless I'm in a hurry, or have literally no time. So I put in some more Franletta. How was the flashback? The main characters are Leon, Fran, Cami, Vilu, Diego and maybe Lara.

Thanks for reading!


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