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its painful to say goodbye to

someone that you don't

want to let go

I told Camila about how -awesomely- forgiving I was. She slapped my back -hard- in a congratulatory manner. It didn't work. I shoved her back.

"So, let's go sit as one big ole group again at lunch!" Camila says excitedly, looping her arm through mine.

The table was full. Leon, Andres, Diego, Federico, Violetta, Lara, Camila, Francesca and I. Leon, Violetta and Lara shared one seat, Violetta awkwardly sitting on two seats.

"Fran, wanna swap?" Violetta asks hopefully.

"Hahaha, nope!" I laugh and she glares playfully at me.

Diego leans over and takes a chip from me and I glare at him.

"Who said you can eat me food?" I ask feigning anger.

"My rumbly tummy," He slaps his stomach.

"It's your fault for not getting anything to eat," I hiss.

"Somebody's delivering it to me," Diego smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Your fling of the day?" I ask teasingly, and he surprisingly nods.

Ludmila brings a tray over, and sets it in front of Diego. He winks at her and she blushes, before scurrying away. I gape at him, and he simply eats a chip, a smug smirk on his face.

"I am a ladies man Francesca," Diego purrs.

"You have got to teach me that!" Federico cries and Diego smirks.

"It's my special secret," Diego winks and I scoff.

"Oh please!"

I spot a guy walking to his table. He had a black leather jacket on, and he was carrying a tray. I noticed he had Astros on his tray. Hm, why not?

"Yo! Leather jacket!" I call, and he turns around. He realizes it was me, and pink dusts his cheeks for a second, before he plasters a grin on his face.

"Hey babe," He says -attempting to be flirtatious-.

"Hi. I love your hair," I purr, twirling a lock in between my fingers.

"I like your face," He blurts out.

I hear Leon stifle a snort. I had to suppress a smile.

"Thanks love!" I chirp.

I take his Astros and kiss his cheek. He then walks away, pink dusting his cheek. Diego claps for me, and I dip my head in a bow.

"Astros?" I ask and Leon grabs it.

"Thanks babe, and I like your face!" Leon mocks the poor guy.

I had to laugh. That was one of the worst things he possibly could've said. But, I'll take it as a compliment. Apparently I have a nice face.


I was going to strangle Camila. She may be my best friend but she's the most annoying girl in the entire world! I swear!

"He actually got jealous for a moment. You could tell, his body noticeably stiffened. Or Camila-super-awesome-skills-stiffened. Let's say, I am very good at reading body language," Camila says, her two fingers on her chin.

"Obviously not! If you could, you would read that mine is saying the shut the hell up before I kill you!" I growl and she laughs, waving a hand nonchalantly.

"You should talk to him. Maybe you guys can talk about your undeniable feelings for each other. Maybe kiss. Then get back together," Camila says dreamily.

"Ahem, we should really talk about how he has a girlfriend," I emphasize the last part.

Of course she didn't listen, she just went on about how Leon loved me. And that I loved him back.

I wouldn't say I loved him. But I definitely wasn't over him. It would probably take me a while to actually get over him and start dating again. I shove the thoughts to the back of my head.

Why can't I just not think about him for a while?


The next day Violetta and I were walking to school together. She was telling me about everything she experienced whilst she was away. All the cool places she saw. All the -hot- guys she met.

"And at the beach, there was this one super buff and muscular guy, and when he got to the water he squealed like a girl and ran away on his tip toes!" Violetta bursts out laughing, and I laughed too.

Not because of how funny her story was, but because I loved her laugh. Hearing her laugh, and just walking together, made me regret all the horrible choices I made in life.

"Oh! It's Leon's birthday in a few days, can you help me plan a surprise party?" She asks eagerly. "And, I'd rather we don't go with the whole forget his birthday. I just find that terribly mean! But you know. We can still surprise him," Violetta adds on.

I agreed. Our mother once said that her friends and family did that for her, and she cried the whole day. It's really upsetting if everybody you love forgets the day you were born. The day you were brought into this world.

She forgave them, but still, every year she got worried they might actually forget.

I had been planning Leon's birthday present for a while. Leon has always loved the Lord Of The Rings series by J.R.R Tolkien. And my plan -which was almost completed- was too get him first edition copies. Those copies had the original covering, and they were signed.

I was going to be working very hard to pay back my parents. They wondered why I was doing this for a boy who I wasn't even dating. I cut the call.

"Cool. I'm in," I nod and she squeals.

Gosh this girl loves to squeal.

At school, Leon immediately comes over and kisses Violetta, and grins at me.

"So, excited for you birthday?" I ask and Violetta jabs me in the ribs. I mutter a curse under my breath and rub my side.

"Yes," Leon laughs.

Violetta smiles sweetly, as if she didn't just bruise me.

"I was thinking we could all go out for something to eat? Maybe bowling?" Leon suggests.

"I'm busy! We're busy!" I say, gesturing to Violetta and I.

"Yeah, we were planning on going out with Luca," Violetta lies.

"Then Saturday?" Leon says and I shrug.

Leon grins excitedly. I just realized that I had never planned a surprise party before. How do these things even work?

Okay , may seem a little boring. But it's a little like Royal Academy. I have specific plans for specific chapters. So I'm just writing rubbish rn. But Chapter 30 will hopefully be of your liking.

Or not? Main thing is, you have to read the epilogue. Okay, I'm done. Thanks for reading! 3 chapters + epilogue left!

~Lexy 😈

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