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Party Part II


Somehow I found myself drinking. Maybe it was the confusion and worry over Leon, that I wandered into the kitchen and poured myself some vodka.


But no matter the reason I was drinking. I'd read about the feeling when alcohol entered your system -also drugs, but really, blame the school's constant lectures-

No, this wasn't the first time alcohol has touched my lips. But, that time it was those really mild things. This time -courtesy of Diego- there were much stronger drinks.

I made a mental note to kill him.

Anyway, they described it as a feeling of your adrenaline picking up. You felt free, and for a moment -could be long or short — depends how long you drink- all your problems disappear.

They were well right.

Not to mention the wonky way I walked, and no matter how hard I tried not to, my words came out in slurs.

My eyes scanned the crowd, my vision not quite hazy -yet. Yep, bad vision was apparently part of the drinking experience. My gaze landed on a familiar couple kissing in a corner.

Andres and Camila.

I knew they'd end up together sooner or later. Even in my drunken state I managed to fangirl over them.

"You know Fran, I never really saw you as one to get drunk," Diego chuckles.

"It happens," I shrug and he shakes his head.

"How much did you drink?" Diego asks.

"Two cups," I chirp and he laughs.

"You are not made for drinking. It usually takes people much more to actually get drunk," Diego tells me.

"I'll get you some water," Diego walks away.

I hadn't read much about water. It was odd, I was drunk, but all my knowledge about drinking suddenly came back to me.

If I had only remembered how terrible it was to drink in the first place.

Okay, it's not terrible if you drink in moderation, -bull if you ask me- I felt smart, yet stupid at the same time. I guess all those lectures partially come in handy.

Camila and Andres had stopped their make out -too bad- and were just talking. Their hands were connected which set off the fangirl in me once again. I could not help it.

"They're cute together aren't they," Diego smiles, tipping his head in their direction. He hands me the cup and I drink it all in one large gulp.

"Yep. I always saw it coming. Totally called it," I say arrogantly. "It was my crush-dar,"

"Okay Sherlock," Diego rolls his eyes.

A girl -I didn't recognize- walks past and I notice Diego's eyes follow her like a lost puppy.

"Go," I say and he grins at me.

He kisses my forehead and walks after the girl, he catches up to her and his charm is turned on. I could see her legs wobble as she looked at him. It was the Hernandez Effect, Diego had said.

He's too cocky for his own good.

"Hey Francesca," A voice -male, but not very familiar- purrs in my ear.

I turn around and see a boy with brown hair. He had a cute smile, and brown eyes. Well fuck kill me now.

"Hi..." I trail off.

His face was a little familiar, and I racked my brain trying to match the face with a name.

"Alex!" I blurt out and he laughs nodding.

"You know," Alex says, more to himself.

He said with happiness. Should I have remembered? I mean, yes it's cool I know -I know almost everybody- but why was good that I knew.

Oh wait! Before I changed -so before I got back together with Leon- I had my one night stand reputation. Alex! The guy I blew off. Hm, maybe it was the alcohol, but he definitely looked hotter of you ask me.

"Here, I brought you a drink," Alex says, handing me a cup.

Drink? Don't drink? Drink. I decide and take the cup. More vodka. The rush of the liquid surges through me, and I put on a huge smile.

"Shall we go outside?" I ask and he nods.

We stood on the porch, making small talk. We talked about all types of things, and I laughed loudly, I probably looked crazy, but he didn't say anything.I turned to look at him. He smiled at me and I saw his sparkling white teeth.

Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was him. Maybe it was simply me desperately trying to get my mind off Leon.

But I kissed him. Hard.

We kissed for a about five minutes before somebody cleaning their throat caused us to break apart. I turn my head and see Leon.

"Alex, can you leave us alone please?" I ask sweetly and he nods.

He walks inside, and pushes past Leon. When Leon stood in front of me, the stars seemed to reflect in his eyes, making them twinkle. He seemed to look even more handsome in the night.

"So, you and Alex huh?" Leon asks awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Do you care?" I press and he looks at me.

The expression he had on his face was torn. Torn between me and Violetta.

"I do," He murmurs softly.

He cups my face in his hands and presses his lips to mine in a gentle yet passionate kiss. It was the kiss I had been waiting for, it was everything I wanted. But when we broke apart, all my thoughts came rushing back, and I didn't feel so drunk anymore.

Leon was like my cure.

But now, sober, I just remembered Violetta.

TADA! One more chapter left + epilogue. So Leonesca kiss. Yay!!! Next chapter and the epilogue will be told from Leon's point of view. You are going to love the next chapter.

And hate somebody.

Don't you just love Diego? Diego also went through a lot of character development! All these things I will talk about in the note at the end of the book, which is actually important.

And, basically what happened with Alex was that he gave her the drink to get her drunk so he could kiss her. Yeah he's crazyyyy

This is for Joyfulblanco who really wanted me to update! Hop this is what you wanted! And I'm pumped that I made you a Leonesca lover. Even if that makes me an evil witch!

Anyway, thanks for reading! Love!

~Lexy 😈

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