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Each night I put
My head to my
Pillow I try
To tell myself
I'm strong
Because I've
Gone one more
Day without you

-F R A N C E S C A-

Today was the last day I'd cry. So I'd better let it all out. All my hate for him, all my hate for her. Everything had to be cried out.

He said he loved me, he said he cared. He had kept all my pain away, now he was the who had caused it. I loved him, I cared for him. But it's all gone, replaced with sadness and anger.

She was my best friend, the person I went to so that I could pour out all my feelings. But she played with my feelings, she broke my trust. They both did, now I can never trust again.

I cried with my tear stained face in my pale wet hands, with my back pressed against the cold wood of my headboard. Each part of my pain, in a tear. But the pain wouldn't go away, it came back. Every single emotion I was feeling, in the tears.

There were knocks, from people who were concerned about my crying. I could't answer, I didn't want them to see my in such a broken state. It might be him even, to try and apologize again, unless he had already moved on, thinking it does no good to dwell on things, especially people like me.

But I couldn't get over the fact that he hurt me so much. That he had done that to me.



"Stop it Fran!" I scold myself.

No matter how much I've tried to get rid of that memory,  it keeps coming back. It's like it's haunting me like a nightmare.

That was a long time ago though, I have changed. I fell for him easily, they all said I was too soft, but it was different now. I have become a new person, fearless and strong. It also made me more noticeable by the boys. So every week I had at least one guy asking me out, from school and out.


"Heyo! Fran! Ready?" My Best friends shouts.

Cami picks me up every morning and drops me back home, and then she usually stays over or stays until dinner. I shout my reply and run downstairs and see Cami by the island counter eating cereal.

"Your brother said you never ate, so I decided to eat," Cami shrugs.

I grab a cereal box, this one was Fruit Loops. I pour it in my bowl and add some cold milk. Cami was already done.

"Okay, hurry up," She tells me clapping her hands.

I gobble down my food and have half a glass of milk and let myself be pulled away by Cami grabbing my bag. . We get into her red Maserati and she drives us to school. We park in the front and get out. I could see somebody watching me.


I hated him, I just wished he would leave me alone.

"Cami, let's go," I say in a rushed tone.

She looks up and sees Leon. She nods and we hurry past the crowds to get to our register class. Half an hour of nothing. It was fun, the only let down was Leon, he was also in this register class. I hold back a scowl when I see him walk in with a hand around a girl.


Not the girl he cheated on me with, but still. I have tried to move on, dated almost the whole grade, and I currently have a boyfriend Diego Hernandez, but I still had feelings for him. I wanted this me to just leave,,but I wouldn't.

"Francesca Caviglia," The teacher calls.

I put up my hand and say 'Present' and he moves on. I see Leon and Lara sit together at desk. They were whispering to each other, and Lara would giggle. They were disgusting. It made me angry that Diego wasn't here, I would've tried doing the same thing.

"Fran, calm down," Cami soothes, noticing my tensed body, I nods eying to calm myself down.


-C A M I L L A-

"Hey Naty , have you seen Fran?" I ask Naty  worriedly.

"No, haven't seen her since the first period of History. Then she left," Naty  informs me and I thank her.

I knew exactly where she was. I run down to the gym and see her at the boxing area. She had her blue gloves and was punching mercilessly at the bag. She usually came here when she was sad -because she didn't cry anymore- or when she was angry. Even though she was throwing some hard punches, they weren't her angry ones, so this must mean she is sad. I mentally growl at Leon, knowing her was probably the reason for her sadness.

"What happened?" I ask and Fran jumps away from the bag clutching her stomach.

Fran then runs over to me and I catch her in my arms. She hugs me tightly and I lower us to the ground. I rub her back, she wanted to cry, but of course she didn't, constantly trying to be strong.

"I want to cry, but I can't. It's just, he was there with Lara. I couldn't help but be jealous. How is he able to move on so easily?" Fran asks me.

"You were the one hurt. It would take you way longer. Give it time," I say softly.

"I don't want to be like this. This soft Fran keeps coming back," Fran tells me and I nod.

"What are you going to do?" I ask her.

Fran doesn't answer. She gets up and I stare up at her, and she done at me.

"This soft Fran is dead,"

Alright, truthfully I wrote it  more dramatic than it actually is. So this is the first chapter of The After Effect. Tell me what you think so far! So that's all for now! I like it! So I will update every week, until I have enough chapters then maybe twice. I hope there aren't too many mistakes, I did try and proofread it.

Thanks for reading!


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