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- F R A N C E S C A -

"You two are flirting!" Camila cries, when Andres and Leon turn around the corner.

"Gosh Cami! We are not flirting! You should be happy we are friends!" I argue and she rolls her eyes. "Besides, he has a girlfriend. Remember?" I remind her and she huffs.

"That he doesn't love," Camila says matter-of-factly. This time I rolled my eyes.

"He does. Now for hell's sake, please stop!" I plead.

Camila had been going on about this ever since we crashed their date a few days ago. It may have been wrong of me to tell Camila about it, and then to make it worse she called Andres.

But there was still that small part of me that was extremely jealous. Of course, he never helped when he told me he preferred my heart pajamas. Probably because he was the one who picked it out.

Blame the fact that Violetta use to have terrible fashion style, and Luca didn't really care about me at all. And Camila was too busy being her usual tomboyish self, who hated clothes shopping.

Leon was the best at the job, ironically.

"Can we talk about the fact he said hi to you first, before Violetta. Again!" Camila persists.

You've got to love to her determination.

Perhaps I shouldn't have told about the talk we had when he picked up Violetta. He was so confusing. It was like he was flirting with me -do not tell Camila I just thought that- but that's impossible.

"I'm taller than her. So I'm more noticeable," I blurt out. That was probably one of the most stupidest things that's ever come out of my mouth.

"That's is ridiculous!" Camila exclaims.

We get to class and she finally shuts up. Halfway through the lesson, the person next to me hands a -crumpled up- piece of paper. I unfold it silently.

Why is Camila wiggling her eyebrows at me??? L

I snort, and cover it up with a cough. I glance at Leon, and see Camila -sitting two seats away- wiggling her eyebrows. And smirking. I shake my head.

She's an idiot. Ignore her. F.

I send the note back, and I see Leon read it. A grin appears on his face, and he looks back at me and sends me a wink.

Would that count as flirting?

I wink back.

Would that count as flirting back?

Camila noticed this exchange, and smirked triumphantly. Yep, I was definitely going to get an earful after class.

Leon and I sent more notes, winked and smirked more, and Camila was smirking as well. I blocked out the whole lesson, which I knew I was going to regret soon.


"You two winked!" Camila says smugly.

I couldn't even come up with something to defend myself.

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