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Random quote from weheartit, that fit Leon quite well.

i knew you were

going to break my

heart but a part of

me really hoped

you wouldn't

- L E O N -

I was ecstatic when I got back home. Yes, it was only a few days -five- in hospital, but it was getting really boring. And the whole place was quite colourless, white. White. White. It was really starting to annoy me. When I got home, my mother, father and Andres were there.

They had given my breathtaking hugs, Andres slapped my back lightly, with a huge grin spread across his face. My mother tells us to go to my bedroom, and as soon as I get up there -it took me like seven minutes to get up the stairs- I felt like collapsing on my bed.

Andres helped me to sit down, and I thanked him afterwards. We sit in silence for a short moment before Andres speaks.

"I uh, heard about Francesca," Andres says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Wondered when you would bring it up," I joke, smiling weakly.

I swallow hard, trying to keep a smile on my face. Francesca was still a. . . sore subject for me. Yes I had forgiven her in my head, but it didn't mean I was completely over the whole thing. I still had trouble believing everything.

"Just want to know how you're feeling," Andres confesses.

"I'm f-"

"No, tell me the truth. Leon, I'm your best friend. I've seen you cry before, I've been with you through your worst moments. Now, tell me how you feel," Andres says firmly and I gulp.

"I don't know. I'm trying to be strong, because I have no reason to be mad. I know I cheated, so I shouldn't be mad. But I do feel slightly angry. But I feel sad at the same time. Because I did love her. . . I think I do love her." I admit and Andres nods, taking in the information.

"Okay, so you are angry that she held a grudge but you understand why she did it. Because of the whole thing with Violetta. And your head tells you that you did love her, but your heart tells you otherwise," Andres sums up, and I shrug.

"I guess. She's amazing. She's everything I had always wanted. She was kind, but didn't let you walk over her, so she was a bit feisty but again, not a complete bitch. She's beautiful, she knows it, but she doesn't make a huge deal about it like other girls. She's intelligent, but not some annoying walking Wikipedia. I can't describe her," I breathe and Andres grins goofily at me.

"I think you did. . .perfectly," Andres smiles and I sigh.

"What are you? A doctor of love or something?" I groan and Andres smiles proudly at himself.

"C'mon, let's go down and eat," Andres gets up, and helps me up.

The pain was getting a lot better. I only got short stings whenever I walked on my bad leg, and whenever I turned, my ribs would ache. But I was alright. The biggest problem was definitely my ribs, but the doctor said it would only hurt for a little while more.

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