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we're not close anymore

but I'll still be here

I promise

                                                                                                        - L E O N -

"Hey-uh, did I interuppt something?" Camila asks wiggling her eyebrows.

I open my mouth to say yes, but Francesca beat me to it and said no. Camila and Andres nod unconvinced before waving us to come up, and then they disappear up the staircase. Francesca starts to walk away when I grab her wrist.

"We are not done here Cesca," I say and she sighs.

"Leon please, leave me alone. We cannot be friends, we cannot socialize, nothing,"  Francesca sys sternly.

"And since when do I listen to you?" I ask jokily, and a ghost of a smile graces her lips.

"Leon..." Francesca whines.

"C'mon, lets be friends. At least let us give this a try," I plead.

"And, if I say yes will you leave me alone?" Francesca asks hopefully.

"Nope," I say, "we will be friends, we will hang out sometimes."

"Fine," Francesca eventually sighs.

I grin at her. She also, grins after a while. I link arms with her and pull her to the staircase. When we get up there, we open the door, and before we can walk through, two people fall at our feet.

"You two are terrible at eavesdropping," I comment and Camila glares.

I help Camila up and Andres gets up himself.

"So, you two are back together?" Andres asks with a cheerful grin. He gestures to our linked arms. I let out a chuckle.

"We are not back together, psh, we are just friends again," I explain.

"Oh," Camila murmurs.

"Well I gotta go, going to meet up with Vilu, see you guys later," I turn and start walking away.

Before turning around the corner, I wink at Francesca. As I turn  I bump into somebody. I recognize the hair, and smile, steadying the girl.

"Hi babe," I smile.

"Your expression is noticeably brighter, what happened?" Violetta asks.

"Nothing much, just got back somebody important to me. Now, I was thinking, my beautiful girlfriend and I haven't gone on a date yet. I am extremely disappointed in myself for not asking sooner," I propose and she grins.

"Well I am your girlfriend so I guess I can't say no," Violetta sighs melodramatically.

"Nope!" I quip.

"Then, give a name and place and I'm there," Violetta grins.

I lean down -since she was still a head shorter than me even with heels- and kiss her lips softly. I sigh into the kiss. We break apart just as the bell rings.

"Lets go,"


It was six when I knocked on the door of the Caviglia household for the second time today. The door is opened by the oblivious -and quite idiotic might I add- oldest Caviglia child.

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