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Okay this is long overdue for @V-lover_Africa I rewrote this so many times since I just wasn't happy with it. This chapter is written in a different way...Enjoy!

remember a year ago when

we would stay up all night

talking and now we don't

even know how to say hi

-F R A N C E S C A-

"Fran, will you go out with me?" Leon asks and my heart stops.

Flashes of images of Violetta and Leon go through my mind, and then I hear Camila and Eva's voice in my head. I look up to Leon's hazel eyes, with those unique green specks. I'm sorry Leon, but I have to do this.



I forgave Leon three days ago. Three days ago I forgave the guy who had put me through hell, the guy who broke my heart like nobody else. Three days ago, I made the worst decision ever. Three days, one hour and fifteen minutes ago I forgave Leon Vargas.

"Oh my gosh Francesca! It's not like he asked you to marry him and you said yes!" Eva exclaims and I roll my eyes.

"I just don't know what came over me! I forgave him! I mean I was supposed to make him work for it! All he did was ask me!" I say frustratedly.

Nobody understood just how serious this situation was for me. I looked in his eye and forgave him. Making it seem like everything I had gone through wasn't really much, that it didn't even matter. That it was all good between us. It was not all good!

"Whatever, I'm going to school. See you later," I eventually sigh.

I give Eva a hug and walk out of the house. Engulfed in my own thoughts I make my way to school. I see birds fly around, without a care in the world. They fly together, in a 'v' shape, they were free. Sometimes I wondered what it was like to fly.

To be a bird. I doubt being a bird was as confusing as being a human. They could just fly away, their wings flapping around by their sides as the wind rushed past their small faces. Soaring through the sky, making occasional dips and turns. No Leon.

I hated him, he was taking over too much of my mind. I was thinking about him too often. I didn't need that. I didn't need him in my life. Just when I start to get everything sorted out, Leon has to waltz back into my life.

You know what Francesca, let's just stop thinking of him for a moment. If it's not too hard.


I sat on my bed with my back against the headboard, my laptop perched on my lap. My headphones blasted Send My Love in my ears, as I hopelessly tried to get Leon off my mind. My door is pushed open and Camila and Eva stood on the other side, excited grins plastered across their face.

"This can't be good," I mumble as I put my laptop on the side table.

"Okay, so I was walking to my locker when I overheard Leon's conversation with Andres so-" I cut Camila off.

"So you were eavesdropping?" I ask with a teasing smirk. Cami waves me off and carries on telling her story.

"Okay, so you will never believe what he said," Cami  pauses. I guess we're playing the guessing game.

"He said oh em gee, Cami looks so hot in a bikini!' " I say in a high voice, and Eva chortles at me. Cami gives me an unamused look. I mutter an apology and she grins excitedly again.

"They said Leon is going to ask you out!" Cami screams at the top of her lungs.

I almost choke on the nothing as my eyes widen is disbelief. I forgave the guy! I never even agreed to any friendship! And now he thinks I'll actually get back together with him. Yeah right!

"No! Fran you aren't thinking evilly! Don't you see what you can do?" Eva says reading my expression, she speaks in a you are an idiot type of tone.

"Then enlighten me," I fake smile.

"If I must," Cami says, but I could see the eagerness in her eyes. "You can date him, but when you are sure he has fallen in love with you. Like completely and utterly in love. You break him. You dump his sorry ass! You give him a taste of his own medicine!" Cami proudly says, proud of her plan

Her and Eva high five and I ponder the idea. It's everything I've ever wanted. Revenge on Leon Vargas. But is this what I really wanted now.

What are saying Francesca? He broke your heart! You can't possibly feel anything for him! You can't be hesitating! We have to take this opportunity.

"Do you know when he is going to ask?"


"Fran, will you go out with me?"


I could see Cami, doing a small hand gesture. I see a furious Diego, I needed to explain this to him later. And an even more furious Lara. I turn back to Leon, his mouth hung open, not really expecting me to have said yes.

"Leon?" I click fingers in front of his face.

He snaps back into reality, and smiles widely. He picks me up into his arms, mumb,I got something along the lines of you will not regret this. I gulp as my inner conscience speaks in my head.

Oh but you will...

So long af wait, and horrible chapter that doesn't make up for it. I'm sorry? This was also for AnonymousFangirl517 who also kinda requested me to update, I'm that bad that two people had to ask! Anyway what do you think? I probably could've written it better, but the two days I wrote it it was after midnight so just shut up!

What do you think will come from the plan? I needed some of this since I've deleted Love Vs Revenge, giving up on the story. So it's kinda in here now. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter -if it was even possible-

Thanks for reading!

~Lexy 😈

My paragraph spacing in this chapter is messed up. And there are tons of mistakes. Sorry...

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