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The quote is from my current favourite song. So if you get this, I will love you!

i don't want to

get broken baby

i don't want to

get broken baby

-L E O N-

A week and a half later I was able to walk normally again. Yesterday I had taken off my cast, I kept it because of all the messages that had been written in different colors. Francesca and I were able to be civil around each other. No matter how much I loved her, I didn't want to get back together with her.

She was in my past.

I was in her past.

I was currently sitting in the cafeteria with the group. Andres, Maxi, Federico, Broduey, Diego, Camila and Francesca. They were talking, and I would just occasionally nod, too busy with my own thoughts to pag attention . I looked around the cafeteria, and spotted Violetta, Lara, Ludmila and Natalia at a table together.

Violetta's longing glances at our table didn't go unnoticed by me. Maybe she  is  looking at Francesca, wanting to be best friends with her again. Like they used to be. Andres nudges the side of my stomach and leans by my ear and whispers.

"Or maybe she's looking at you," My eyes widen.

Firstly, there was no way she would be looking at me. We had both said that there was nothing between us. Secondly, how did he know what I was thinking.

"No, you didn't think out loud. I just noticed you staring at her. And I knew what you were thinking. Don't underestimate me buddy," Andres winks and I chuckle.

This guy was amazing.

"I'm going to get some air," I tell him, and he nods. He holds onto my wrist giving me a look, asking if I was okay. I nod and he lets go slowly.

I walk outside, and towards the sports field. I walk under the bleachers, and sit down, and pluck a few blades of grass, and start playing with them. A shadow casts over me, and I look up, tilting my head backwards.


I get up, and dust myself a little bit. I could easily see his angry expression. He had a clenched jaw, and his eyes were narrowed at me. I could also see how rigid his posture was. I instinctively take a step backwards, and he smirks.

"Scared there a little Vargas?" He teases and I make sure to keep calm.

I didn't know what he was here for. Maybe he was here for a friendly talk, but judging by his angry look, I doubted it. Maybe for a warning, to stay away from Francesca.

Or a fight.

I shake my head to answer his question, and he nods thoughtfully. He cracks his knuckles and I mentally roll my eyes. I get it dude, you're strong and buff, but the knuckle cracking? Seriously?

"You broke her heart," Diego speaks slowly, in a quiet, intimidating voice.

"She broke mine. You know that. You were part of this," I defend myself.

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