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Don't be sorry
I trusted you
My mistake
Not yours

                                            "...cheated on me with my sister..."

-F R A N C E S C A-  

I looked at Leon's worried face. He looks down in embarrassment and I smirk. He actually never told them.

"What happened? Leon, don't tell me you didn't tell everybody about my dear sister. What did you say the breakup was about? That I just broke up with you for no damn reason?" I ask him.

I see Diego in the corner of my eye watching us with an amused expression. I turn back to Leon and see his face a bit red, yep he's embarrassed. I scoff.

"Oh my gosh! Not only did you not tell them about what a dirty cheater you are, you also lied," I say in one of those sweet voice filled with venom.

"Well don't worry, I will tell everybody now," I smile

I jump up onto the chair and whistle for everybody to shut up. I glance at Cami and she gives me a knowing smile, I had wanted to express what Leon had done for such a long time.

"Listen up everybody! Leon and I had broken up a while ago...but he fed you lies. I want to tell you the truth. First off, I did breakup with him, but for a very good reason. Leon Vargas, cheated on me with my sister. I know what you are thinking, that angel had an affair with my boyfriend, well it's true, so that's the truth!"  I yell and jump down.

The cafeteria applauds me and I bow with pride.

"C'mon Cam, next period will start soon," I smile linking arms with my best friend, "Bye Leon!" I call over my shoulder.

* * *

"It's fine Cami! Really, I want to walk home," I say for the thousandth time.

"Okay fine, but if something happens call me," Cami says.

"Yep," I promise and she gives me a hug and kisses my cheek.

I walk back to my locker and take everything that I needed and stuffed it into my bag. I slam the locker door and walk out the school. Most of the school was gone,Cami and I had stayed to help a teacher. There were a few teachers here and there, I saw a couple making out. At least it was after school.

I start walking on the pavement to my house. It felt good to finally tell everybody why we broke up. We were the power couple and we just broke it off. And apparently I had broken it off for now reason. I knew that he never told anybody the truth, but I just did all that to make a scene.

"Francesca, stop," A voice demands and I come to a halt.

"Vargas, go away," I say annoyed.

"I think we need to talk," Leon says catching up to me. I start walking again but with him on my side,

"I hope you like talking to yourself, cause I have nothing to say to you," I say to him and flash him a fake smile.

"You told everybody. Why?" Leon asks and I mentally laugh. He was acting stupid.

"I got annoyed. People always thought I was the bad one, it was time they knew the truth. I don't care anymore, you and my sister are dead to me," I explain and he stands in front of me.

"You haven't forgotten about me, I know you still have feelings for me. And that they are still strong," Leon says putting his hands on my shoulders,

Was he a mind reader?

"Leon, I have no feelings for you. I only feel hatred for you, you ruined my life," I lie in a cold tone.

"I don't know why you even try and deny your feelings, it's okay Fran," Leon says and I duck under his arm.

"Listen Leon, if I ever got back with you. It would be making the worst decision of my life twice. Leave me alone, run back to your whore," I say and he holds my wrist.

"She isn't a whore," Leon growls and I chuckle.

"So I guess, both of you in that relationship lie. I guess you are meant to be." I smirk.

"Bye Leon, see you hopefully never," I call and start walking to my house.

He luckily never followed me. I kept on cursing in my head, why did I have to still have feelings for him. He cheated on me with my freaking sister and yet I still can't get him out of my head. I know that I shouldn't like him anymore, I've learnt that mistake, yet it seems like I may make the mistake again. I just hope he leaves me alone, then I can maybe try and push these feelings away.

I reach my house and I unlock the door. I hear Luca on the phone so I walk straight o the kitchen. I was hungry. I take bread from the bread Bonnard some cold meat from the fridge, after putting it together I put some mayo.

"Fran, come here!" Luca calls from the living room.

I groan and after quickly packing everything away I walk to Luca with my plate in one hand and my sandwich in the other, not to mention my mouth was full. When I get to the living room Luca was standing up and he looked so happy. What happened? Who did what? Did he get a new girlfriend? Did we get a lot of sales in the restaurant?

"What happened?" I ask him and he grins from ear to ear.

"It's amazing! You are going to love it! I swear it's the best news we've had in a while. Guess!" Luca says excitedly. I laugh and begin to think.

"Are Mom and Dad coming to visit from Africa?" I ask him with hope in my eyes. Luca gives me a sympathetic look and then mutters a reply,


"Then what?" I ask taking another bite.

I never expected him to say this, my food almost flew out of my mouth.

"Vilu is coming back!"

What the hell? Our sister is coming back?!

So Vilu is the sister! I am sorry, Vilu had to come in a sort of bad way, but hey it's the same like in every Leonetta story Lara or Gery is evil.What do you think? Next chapter will have a back story to Violetta, because she needs one. And I may add in another Leonesca flashback, do you also want a Leon POV, maybe the following chapter? Tell me all your thoughts in the comments!


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