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I'm going to be honest, I had a basic idea of what would happen in this chapter, I've kinda just put off writing it, and I've been focusing on my Dion fic. But today, I'll try to get the basic outline of the rest of the book. Thanks for everything!

There will be two point of views in this, but it's Leon and Francesca, so I've decided to keep it like that, instead of doing third person. Enjoy! 🙈

you were scared

but I told ya

open up your eyes

-F R A N C E S C A-

Andres and I break our tight hug, and he kisses my hair. I smile at him. Andres was definitely one of the kindest and sweetest guys I knew. He was always looking out for people.

"So what happened exactly?" I ask and Camila and Andres share a look for a split second.

"Camila and I, found him getting beaten up by Diego," When he finishes I gasp.

Diego did this. Diego was the reason he was back in the hospital after just getting out because of an accident. Diego is the reason that Leon may not get better. Diego could've killed Leon, Leon obviously wasn't in the state to fight, but Diego was healthier than ever.

"Andres  then gave him a taste of his own medicine," Camila grins wickedly and Andres flushes.

"Wow! I-" I'm cut off by the door opening to Leon's room.

"You can come in now," The doctor says, standing to the side to let us in.

There were five of us. We all walked into the surprisingly large room. Leon was on a bed, his eyes closed. I bite my lip, as I scanned his face. His face was pretty much red from all the bruises, and there was still some blood stains on his cheeks.

I swallow hard, and Federico swings his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close. I noticed Camila and Andres were also standing close together. The doctor closes the door, and looks at his clipboard.

"You are lucky you found him when you did. He had already lost of a lot of blood, and there also some internal bleeding. But luckily, he was not sent into a coma, because there would have been no way that we would know when he'd wake up.

Since he wasn't, he should wake up soon. The most damage was caused to his ribs, and one rib bone almost reached his lungs, if it had, there would have been way worse damage. His throat also isn't doing so well. His breathing in general, is very bad. But he will be alright, after a while," The doctor smiles warmly.

Everybody breathes a sigh of relief. The doctor chuckles lightly, and leaves us alone with Leon. We all walk closer to the bed. I reach for his hand. It was limp and weightless in my own. I stroked his knuckles and a tear slipped through my eyes.

"Fran, don't worry. He'll be alright," Camila assures me and I nod.

"I miss ya already buddy," Andres chokes and Camila reaches up to his hand. She gives it a squeeze and Andres exhales slowly.

The door is thrown open loudly, and a girl with brown hair stood at the door. Her eyes were wide with worry. She runs over and pushes me out if the way. Federico helps me steady myself.

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