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your eyes are my favorite place

they remind me of late august rain

that leave my windows foggy

and my mind in a haze

-F R A N C E S C A-

"Good Morning," A voice whispers in my ear, sending shivers through my body.

I turn around putting on a smile. Leon stood there leaning against a locker, his books tucked under his arm. He had a grin, his dimples showing. His dimples were always one of the things I loved most about him. They brightened his smile somehow.

"Morning, you know we are just going to go on a date, I'm not your girlfriend," I point out and he smirks at me.

"C'mon Cesca. I haven't been with your for over a year." Leon complains and I give him a soft smile.

Leon leans in to kiss me, and as our lips have the slightest contact I'm pulled away. Leon growls and shouts after me. I'm spun around and come face to face with -an angry- Diego. I gulp and force a smile and a nervous laugh.

"I can totally explain," I tell him and he scoffs.

I pull him into an empty classroom and he crosses his arms over his chest, waiting for my to speak. He sits down a desk and raises his eyebrow. I take a deep breath.

"Okay, so Cami was eavesdropping and she heard Leon and Andres talk that he was going to ask me out. And so then Cami told me, and she said that I have to date him, so that I can break his heart. Ya know, like what he did to me," I explain, trying to not rush through it.

Diego nods intently, going over the excuse in his head. He searches my face to check if I was lying. He then gets up and hugs me, burying his nose in my hair. I let out a breath of relief. I really did love Diego, not Leon. Diego had stuck with me, he supported all my decisions. He was the best boyfriend I could have.

"I'm sorry," Diego mumbles and I chuckle.

"Babe, there is nothing you have to say sorry for. I should've told you sooner. I totally forgot," I tell him and he kisses my lips.

"Get back out there. Let's break him," Diego says with an excited grin, his green eyes lit up.

I laugh and walk back out. I find Leon still at my locker, his back to me. I run up and put my arms around his neck, jumping on him slightly.

"So about that date..."


I look at myself in the mirror, pulling on my red leather jacket. Cami stood next to me, her orange hair on my shoulders. She smiles and admires her work.

I had a black knee length dress, the bodice had  a lace covering. After the waist, the dress was  a bit bigger and the end was flown out. With a red leather jacket and black converse -I didn't agree to anything else-, I looked pretty nice. Jewelry was simple, a black bracelet, a ring with a black stone. She applied blush and lipgloss, and left my hair out straight.

"You look beautiful," Eva compliments and I flashed a grateful smile.

The doorbell rang and I take a deep breath. I run downstairs and open the door. Leon was there, with a grey shirt -that hugged his toned stomach and muscles- black jeans, black converse, and a jacket thrown over his shoulder. It looked like he had just thrown anything on, and his hair, he probably simply ran a hand through it.

"You look amazing," Leon says and I blush.

"I'll bring her home safely Camila! Don't worry!" Leon calls over his shoulder, as he took my hand.

I hear Cami shriek and Leon smirks. I was about to ask where we were going but Leon was a step ahead of me. -mind reader!-

"We are going to the beach. I hope that's okay," Leon says and I smile and nod.

That guy! He took me to the beach on our first date. Now he was taking me now. We get to the beach and I see a small picnic set up, a fair enough distance from the shoreline. I gulp, trying to fight away first date memories.

"I know what you're thinking. I'm sorry, but this is what I thought would be good for us," Leon says, his hands on my shoulders.

I nod, trying to make sure I didn't end up crying. I had to stick to the plan, I had to go alone with whatever he wanted. He needed to be completely and  utterly in love with me.


"Okay just wait. Be patient Cesca," Leon says, trying to lead me to our first date.

My feet sink down into something. A familiar smell travels through my nose, and I inhale a deep breath. He whispers in my ear asking if he knew where we were. I nod frantically and Leon laughs softly. I feel his hands on the back of my head, and then the blindfold drops.

"The beach!" I exclaim, fist pumping the air because I was right. Leon laughs at my behavior and kisses my cheek.

"Ooh a picnic!" I say exitedly, running over to the small picnic set up on the sand.

I sit down on the blanket on pat the spot next to me. Leon runs over and sits down leaning back and puts his arm behind him, using them for support. I put my head on his lap and he starts playing with my black hair between his fingers. I turn my body so that the back of my head was on his lap and so that I'm looking up at him.

"Thank you Leon. This is the best date ever," I thank him and Leon grins down at me.

"For you Francesca. I would do anything. I don't know what it is,but I have this really strong connection with you. I really do love you. I can't imagine being with anybody else," Leon tells me and I blush slightly.

"I love you too,"

E N D   O F    F L A S H B A C K

I'm taken out of my memory when Leon leans in for the second time today and this time there was nobody to pull us apart. You can do it Francesca, it's just a kiss.

Our lips touch and I feel a thousand memories coming back to me. His lips were so soft against mine. Our lips move in synch, and I soon feel him asking for entrance. I give it to him and he starts exploring my mouth. We pull away breathlessly, our foreheads pressed against each other.

"I love you Fran," Leon murmurs and I close my eyes for a few seconds.

"I love you too,"

But does she mean it? I threw in a small flashback to make this chapter longer. I hope this chapter was okay enough for you!  I sort have more inspiration now. 

So Diecesca hasn't broken up! Diego is on the plan! So is it all just about breaking Leon's heart for Fran now? So basically about a third into the book I guess. I'm aiming for around thirty chapters, unless stuff change.

I hope you enjoyed! I hope this makes up for my absence. Tell me what you think!

~Lexy 😈

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