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That physical feeling
Of extreme pain;
Like you just got a bullet,
You get in your chest
When you see the person
You love,
Love someone else



I run a hand through my hair as I watch her walk away. How does she do this to me. We broke up such a long time ago, but I still have strong feelings for her. I get up and walk back to the cafeteria, taking my seat next to Lara., but still thinking about Francesca.

I shouldn't even have these feelings, I have a girlfriend. She has a boyfriend -and many fuck buddies- we were both in happy -sorta happy- relationships. These feelings are just wrong. And she doesn't have any feelings for me. She despised me.

I was still surprised that she had told me all those things. I felt horrible that I broke her heart. I was the reason for this whole bad girl stuff. And to think I called her a whore, when again, it was my fault. Everything was my fault, I cheated on her wth her sister, I made her cold. Urgh, I hate myself.

"Leon! Why won't you listen to me?" A whiney voice interrupts my thoughts.

"What Lara?" I snap and she looks taken aback.

"How dare you use that tone with me," She hisses and I chuckle dryly.

"You know what, how dare I? Tell you what, because of how rude I was we may as well breakup," I say pushing my chair out walking away.

"No! Leon it doesn't matter! Leon!" Lara calls after me.

I hear her scramble up from her chair, knocking something over. But I was already out the cafeteria.

Where did Fran go?

"Hey Leon! Wait up!" A voice calls.

I stop and turn around to see Vilu. She walks over and I look at her from head to toe. She had changed. Vilu had once been like the old Fran, in fact kinder and even more innocent. Now, she looked like a slut. Short and revealing clothes.

"What's wrong Vilu?" I ask her, trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice. She was kinda keeping me away from looking for Fran.

"I want to talk about us," Vilu says and I mentally cringe. This was a topic I was hoping to never discuss.

"Listen, Vilu you are an amazing girl," well I think, "but I'm still in love with Fran. There can be nothing between us, ever," I say and Vilu nods.

"I was thinking the same thing!" Vilu says giving  me a smile.

"Cool, sorry but I need to go," I say and kiss her cheek.

Where would Fran go? I start looking through classes and checking hallways. Maybe she had gone home. I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see my best friend Andres. He signals me to stop so I wait for him to catch up.

"Leon, what are you doing?" Andres asks when he reaches me

"I'm going to look for Fran," I tell him and he shakes his head at me.

"Leon you can't do that. First off, she has boyfriend-" I stop him there, "Her boyfriend doesn't care about how many guys she sleeps with. So why would he care if I went after her?" I say and Andres laughs like I'm an idiot.

"He doesn't exactly like you. So even though he isn't jealous with every other guy, he sure as hell would beat you if you went after Fran," Andres explains and I sigh. "Secondly, Fran doesn't even like you. I'm pretty sure you are on her kill list," Andres points out.

"We actually had a long conversation," I say to him, "So?" Andres asks and I smack the back of his head.

"Leon, please leave her alone," Andres pleads and I sigh raking a through my hair.

"I can't Andres. Buddy, I love her. I'd do anything for her. Cheating was definitely the worst decision I've ever made. I will do whatever it takes to get her back. Andres, she's that one person in my life who I will love unconditionally, who I will love forever. I can't let her go, I will get her back Andres," I say and Andres sighs.

"Then, what are we going to do? If you love her so much, I will help you. Let's get your girl back," Andres grins and I hug him tightly.

Andres laughs as he hugs me back. I put my arm around his neck and ruffle his hair.

"Thanks." I say and he shrugs, "but I have no idea how I'm going to get her back," I admit and he sighs.

"Then you better start thinking,"

I'm going to get her back. And she will be mine, and I'll never let her go.

Leon is going to fight for her! Stupid Leonara breakup soz. Tell me if you guys want a Vilu chapter! So do you think Leonesca will happen soon? Well keep reading! Also I know that Leon had called Vilu a slut because of her clothes. So I'm sorry if it seems like slut shaming, it's not really intended. I just want to put that out there. Alright, that's all I have to say I think. Oh! And if you think you have any good ideas about how Leon will get Fran  back you can PM me {Lexy_VLover} and I will consider them. Or you can comment below Alright now I'm done.

Thanks for reading!!! Tell me you thoughts on the chapter!

~Lexy 😈

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