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It's sad how
The people you
Were once so close
With can become
Just another
Stranger you don't

-F R A N C E S C A-

"Fran, hurry up!" Cami whines

Cami and I had woken up extra early so we could escape Vilu. Cami said, and I quote 'This way I won't have a devil bitch in my car' but I agreed with her. I guess Luca will take her, he loves his sister.

I wonder if he had known what Vilu did to me, he would still love her this much. I didn't even know who she was anymore, I remember when I had that cute and innocent sister.

What happened?


"Should we be worried, she hasn't turned up yet?" Cami whispers.

It was lunch and we were sitting with the guys again. Ludmila and Naty, well I don't even know where they are.vilu hadn't shown up in first, second or third period.

"I don't wanna be, maybe she decided to ditch," I whisper back and take a chip from Diego's tray.

"Lara!" A voice shrieks and everybody turns their head.

Oh god, it's Vilu

"Vilu!" Lara yells back jumping from her seat running to hug her.

Vilu left a month after I caught her with Leon, so in a onto she had time to make other friends. It was mainly Lara, her best friend, then Ludmila and Naty. Everybody else in the cafeteria walks over and Cami and and I just roll our eyes.

I watch when Leon gives her a hug, he squeezes her then breaks apart. When he does, he turns to look at me. I raise my eyebrow at him, and he turns away from me.

"Oh my gosh! V!" Ludmila and Naty scream, "we heard you were coming!" They shriek and realization struck me.

They left me because Vilu was coming back. I hate her. My whole life I was second place, in a few talent shows, we would sing solos but Vilu would be first. In plays, Vilu was the lead. Vilu got my boyfriend -ex now- and she got my friends. She was taking everything I had. It was just another reason to hate her.

"Hey Cam, I'm going to get some air. Tell the rest of the teachers I'm sick, I'm gonna go home" I say to her and she nods. She placed a hand on my arm gently.

"You sure you are okay?" Cami asks and I nod reassuringly.

Cami sighs and nods. I walk away from the table and out of the cafeteria. I walk to the school bleacher but walk behind them. I sit down on the grass and put my face in my hands. Why did I feel jealousy when Leon and Vilu hugged? I didn't have any feelings for him anymore.

-Keep telling yourself that

-shut up

-you know that even after everything he has done, you still like him

-please! I barely  tolerate his presence

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