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When I first
Met you, I
Fell in love
And you smiled
Because you knew


-F R A N C E S C A-

I walk into school and pass reception. I see a girl, walk into reception nervously, she was probably new. I remember when I was new. Today I don't know if I wish things had turned out differently.


I wait nervously but patiently for the receptionist to find my class schedule and other essentials for new students, like a map of the school -the school was huge, so I definitely needed one- list of teachers, where classrooms are. That sorta stuff. There were two receptionists, Vilu went to the other one who was -of course- faster. She had already gotten a student to show her around.

The receptionist comes back out of the record room with a yellow folder. She hands it over and then calls somebody from the waiting room.

"Leon, would you kindly show Ms Caviglia the school," The receptionist asks, it wasn't much of a question it was more an order. "Sure Penny," The boy says flashing her a smile. He turns to me.

"Ms Caviglia. I'm Leon. May I ask what's your name?" Leon asks but I was caught up in his appearance.

Leon was tall, I felt like he was towering over me. He was lean and muscular, with a muscle hugging shirt on. Leon had brown hair, light brown that tousled up, but it gave it a nice look. He had green eyes that were to die for. He must have all the girls after him.

"Francesca!" Leon shouts snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Wait, you Do know my name!" I scream and he chuckles and points at the label on my folder.

Francesca Caviglia

"Can we get to the tour please," I mumble and Leon laughs. He smiles at me for a moment before shaking his head. He takes my hand and begins giving me my tour.

Okay, I definitely need to stay away from him ..

Oh younger and naive Francesca. If you only knew what you had in store. If only you knew how he would break our heart, how he would change us.

If only.

-L E O N-

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I ask Andres, nervously rubbing my hands together.

The plan was too apologize. Of course my first thought was 'You fucking idiots! Don't you think I've tried that already!' Then they shushed me and told me how I would apologize. It made it a bit better, but I'm  still not completely sure. Andres nods at me and begins pushing me to the cafeteria. It was lunch now, and when I entered I saw Fran sitting at our table sharing food with Diego.

I walk to the closest table to where she is, and everybody sitting there scurries off. I jump up on the table and sod ones Andres. Andres whistles loudly and they all turn to me, my eyes fix on Fran.

"Fran," I start, I see her lips part, Diego's body tenses and Lara screams.

"I know that I hurt you. And you have every reason to hate me like you do. But it's been more than a year, even though I can't be with you. I want to be your friend. You are beautiful and intelligent and kind, the kindness is hidden under your hard exterior. I just want you to know that I'm sorry okay, I'm truly sorry for all the pain I put you through. I know that I don't even have any right to ask this. But will you please forgive me?"

Fran contemplates whether or not to forgive me. Probably looking at both sides. The guys get up and walk to her with the flowers.

"Leon you hurt me like I had never been hurt before. You broke my heart..." Fran trails off and I sigh, I knew this was hopeless. "But I will forgive you. Doesn't mean we are friends though," She winks and I grin at her.

For some reason everybody in the cafeteria claps, except Diego and Lara. I hug Andres and slap his back, thanking him for the plan. When I look back at the table Fran was gone. I jump off my table and run to Cami.

"Where'd she go?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"She said she needed air," Cami tells me.

Maybe the bleachers again. I kiss her cheek and hear her scream in disgust while I laughed and ran out the cafeteria. I see Fran running down the halls so I speed up, and finally grab her arm pulling her into my chest. I hear her breath hitch and she looks up at me.

"You were crying," I notice and wipe away her tears gently.

"Leon, please," Fran pleads softly.

"I can't Fran. You know I love you. And I will do anything and everything for you to admit you feel the same way. You will always be mine," I whisper.

I lightly kiss her forehead and walk about before she could protest. She will be mine again.

Eek, creepy possessive Leon...what do you think? I threw in a lil' Cameon moment. So Fran forgave him...what will happen next? Sorry I never updated in like ages. But here's a chapter!

~Lexy 😈

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