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It was a late Friday evening around dusk when his presence became abruptly known.

Features solemn; eyes masked. Throwing Victoria off.

The anger; the tension. Had never been one to hold on to him.

He was gripping a sole black journal. His fingers digging into the leather binds until they were stone white.

"Did you at least finish the report for administrative law?" The low voice snapped her out of her intensifying gaze.


"Yes, Report Victoria. Ya know, the one Mr. Keele has been talking about for the last three weeks?" His tone is bitter and demeaning. But she takes no offense; he's annoyed with her distractions lately, as is she.

Victoria takes in the information with a heavy sigh; shoving her face into the palms of her hands and replying with. "Uhhhh, I'm not cut out for this."

He mutters something under his breath, before quickly grabbing her petite wrists and pulling them back down.

"You're a freshmen at Harvard. If you're not cut out for this, than what will you be cut out for? McDonald's?"

Victoria inwardly groined.

"I was thinking more on the lines of entrepreneurship?" She hesitantly met his glare, finding his scowl reassurance enough for her idea.

"And I was thinking, you better get your ass in gear before I decide to drop this whole 'tutoring situation." Sam barked, shoving multiple papers toward her.

With a grimace, Victoria grabbed the assignments; and forced them in an unruly pile.

"I guess we should start with economics, considering I haven't--" Victoria began.

"You're psychotic!" The interruption boomed; slammed into the room. Breaking all concentration; all thought.

Both Sam and Victoria instinctively shot their heads up in dismay. Easily finding the disruption

Harvard Boy.

"It's not what you think. I- I- I didn't mean it, it was a joke! I swear!" The beautiful brunette recoiled with tears in her eyes, as she sat helplessly beneath him.

Trying to reach and reach, but with no avail.

He stood tall, over her, clutching the mystique journal higher.

"A joke?!" He scoffed. "Then why don't you read it?! Huh?! Out loud, to everyone!" His hands flew into the air, gesturing to all the onlookers; Victoria and Sam included, before he harshly slammed the black journal against the desk.

"I'm sure we'd all love a good laugh." He snarled.

Silence crept up at a chilling speed. Igniting blank curiosity to all; Victoria especially. Even the librarian stood in utter mayhem, watching with vigilance. Knowing, that if someone moved or spoke, it could set off a already ticking time bomb.

All eyes were on her; waiting, expecting.

Their was pain in both of their eyes, as if this was a life altering moment that will be forever engraved within each other.

The mascara running down her inflamed cheeks, almost had the room on edge; tipping their seat to each inhale of breath, or twitch to her hand.

"Please." She hushed, reaching for him. "I love you. You know that!" Her tone dripped with regret. Guilt, clearly answering; confirming, whatever accusation he was throwing.

"Apparently, I don't know much." He whispered coldly, contradicting the heated rage building inside him.

With a restrained breath, and a flash of hurt, he turned on his heels. Walking out, and leaving her with all of it.

There was something he'd left behind, almost like the room could feel the shift; the alteration.

It was only moments later, that the brunette let out another strangled sob. Eyes sweeping across stranger's puzzled faces, and concerned gasps- before abruptly standing.

Gathering her things, journal included, she followed suite.

Leaving every student in a pitt of ambiguity.

Leaving a mystery.

Leaving Victoria to wonder.

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