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It was a drive that only few, could understand.

Success, was an addiction. A dependency, that was stronger than any narcotic known to man.

Everyone in this establishment had something to prove, had something to live up to.

Most knew the ranks. They knew only a small percentage would make it. But with their coffee tight in hand, and eyes glued to the board; they always kept their fingers crossed in hope.

Which is why Victoria was sat fifth row, quietly fiddling with her pencil.

Her competitive nature was never very strong, but that didn't mean the urge to reach her goals wasn't either.

This workshop was a way to help you prioritize, connect with your feelings, embrace yourself, and lastly; be successful.

It was going to make her a better student.

Well, it least that's what the brochure said.

Not a lot of people attended these things, which is why she thought it'd be a good idea; to maybe, think outside the box?

The auditorium roughly had about fifty people scattered variously in sections. Filling rows, and chattering.

No faces looked familiar to her, so she sighed with a content breath, and waited.

The ambition she had for herself was going to thrive within her. She could do this; she could be more.

"Good afternoon." A deep voice echoed from the stage, breaking Victoria's train of thought.

Her eyes immediately shot to the lean figure under the bright lights, as the room became eerily quiet.

She could make out his grey Armani suite; along with the facial hair outlining his jaw. His sun kissed skin reflected health, and his smile held honesty.

Her mouth fell slightly agape.

He was older. He was handsome.

"Welcome to the 'Success program', where lives are built, and so are their stories." He shot another award winning smile, as student's began clapping in appraise.

"Thank you, thank you" he nodded. It was then she could detect the English accent.

"Before we get started, I would just like to tell you a little bit about myself." He clutched the mic closer to his lips. "My name is David Styles, and I am an analyst for psychological needs. Now, I know what you're all thinking...'He's probably just here for some personal vendetta.' And that couldn't be farther from the truth. You see, Its my job to help you, but it's my mission to want to. I have a desire to save the world." He grinned widely "And by doing that, I have to be very involved with my work, or so speaking; our work."

He strides to the edge of the stage, before stopping. "Which means, we're in this together---"

"as not only a unit, but one."

A voice abruptly finished along with him; startling her. She turned to her right, and Harvard boy sat in all of his beautiful glory next to her; shooting a smirk.

Victoria's jaw slacked and her knees felt weak.

The row she had chosen was empty, until now.

(Wonder who the guy on stage is...😎)

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