Too late.

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The roads were distant and winding. Shadowing the different shades of green, the horizon of the sky.

A peaceful scenario, dwindles away into the remanence of a deep slumber.

Her body, gently curved into the smooth leather, with soft pants, and dreams frolicking- Helped the moment drift away, along with the clawing regret.

"No, you won't!" Harry hushed into the phone-gripping the steering wheel, while all the while becoming outraged.

"I swear to god Sam, if you even breathe her way, I will personally-"

Victoria stirred. Silently being disrupted by the anger drifting through the car.

"I have to go." His jaw clenched. "But word of advise. I'd move the fuck on, before you realize it's already to late."

He hung up. Feeling a sense of relief, but the creeping weight of guilt submerse.

There were two parts of him- pulling and pulling, until he felt the tearing.

What has he become? Who will he be? What will he do?

Glancing over him, he sees her shallow breath, the smooth skin peeking out from under her shirt.

Knows it wasn't right, now. Knows it was a mistake, and can't be retracted.

But he can't regret- can't wish he hadn't. Not with long legs, and bright smiles filling up his empty time.

Maybe this was meant to be.

But he fears, Victoria is more karma- than serendipity.

Fears, his spite, will be returned with such.

Harry begins to realize, that fighting fire with fire- may only kill them all.


The house is warm; solid- under first impressions. Towering over the sand, with grander, while exotic flowers crawl up the panels.

It holds something sanctified, something belittled.

Victoria takes it all in with a satisfying sigh.

Loving the way the air smells of salt and musk. Bringing back a fraction of time where things were simpler- less traumatic.

Her father comes to mind- recalling the way they used to build sand castles, and then destroy them with lightheartedness.

She wonders how he is, and thinks of how cold he was over the phone.

Seems the older she gets, the less he seems to care- and the more she can feel him drifting away from not only her, but him in his self .

She abruptly hears the shuffle of bags, and the creaking of the floor.

Feels his presence, just as the ocean feels the pending waves.

But she pays no mind, while continuing to take in the euphoric home.

"Let's have a look at the master bedroom, yea?" He hushes, as his firm hands wrap around her waist.

Victoria leans into him, let's the day move on without further contemplation.

Ignoring the clawing questions scraping to be answered, and whatever their not saying- pass by without acknowledgment.

This is what they do best, this is what they know.

She nudges into him, her lips dragging up his neck and grazing the shell of his ear- and whispers. "In your dreams."

With a playful shove she's running away, and pulling his heart with him.

Heavy laughter, and faulty attempts- only lead to the inevitable. Just as Harry said, it's already too late.

(What could our little Harry possibly be apart of?😗 your guess is as good as mine...well maybe.😂 I love you all, thanks for reading.)

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