Can't stop.

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She was caught between what to do, and what not to do.

Wondering how long it takes to break someone, or how long it takes to make them whole again.

Because that's how it felt when he dipped his tongue inside her mouth.

That's how it felt when he groped her, like he couldn't get enough.

Never enough.

This darkness inside, was being overshadowed with the piercing haze of desire.

Licking; biting; moaning.

It was fast; all to fast.

He hiked up her dress, shuffled his belt.

They were still against the wall, behind a untrimmed bush.

Still prying and ruining each other to no end.

He ran his lips across the base of her neck, she couldn't push him away.

He was cussing under his breath, she didn't care to hear.

The only noises passing, were of their own.

Feeling his bulge against her, seeing every bit of him in his eyes.

"Are you wet for me?" He whispered, his fingers grazing between her legs; Disappearing in the abyss of everything she ever wanted, everything she ever needed.

Lost and confused, broken and needy.

She can't stop.

Won't stop.

The fire is to great.

The moment, to far gone to ever comeback.

"Do I do this to you?" He hushed again, his fingers coming back, glistening.

Victoria could smell the liquor on his breath. Like a reminder of the reality that is very much between them.

She begins wondering if this is a good idea.

She knows the answer, but is blinded by him.

Always him.

So she only nods shyly, watching the glint in his eyes devour her body.

"Let me have this." He breathes, as if it was a statement and a question all at the same time.

Then to suddenly, his hands are on her; rubbing, feeling, exposing her core.

This was happening.

With, or without her sanity.

So caught up, that she remembers the way she felt reading her first love story as a child; remembers the passion, and the lust.

Knows she's going to give him everything without question; against a brick wall, outside, for the first time.

Because that's love.

Passion; heartache; want.

All combined, all crazy and uncalled for.

But it's there, acquainted with every life decision.

Knowing its way around a soul, just like now, just like here.

Victoria wrapped around his waist, panting, expecting.

Feels the tip of him, feels herself giving in.

He sinks into her.

Blinding white, angled, pained.

There was a clench of his jaw; the rumble inside of him escaping. Filling her completely.

She'll never get it back, but she'll never want it anyway.

Because It was the sting, the "oh god Harry", the clutching, that made her lose control.

Made her sure.

He's growling, pulling the straps of her dress down, exposing her breasts, licking and sucking and taking all of her.

It's all of her.

She's all she has to give.

That's all that's left.

But it's okay, because it's all of him too; if only for now.

He makes a rhythm and it hurts her, but she doesn't care.

She hears his moans, feels his compliant hands running where they want, with no hesitation at all.

That's enough to make her close her eyes.

Dream about making love, instead of the primal way he was taking her.

Dream about a world, where Harry and Victoria could be together.

Dream about having all of him constantly, instead of now. Instead of only when he's inside her.

(Sex scene 🙊 lol, love you all 😘)

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