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The first time he touched her, she began questioning everything she knew about love.

What is happening to me?

What is this hold?

He'd imprinted something of his own, to the very core of her isolation.

A graze of hands; the shaking of shoulders; the pulling. All somehow turned Victoria into a ravenous monster of more.

That's all she ever really wanted.

More; of his touch, his smile, his laugh, his non existent desire for her.

She'd lose sleep over it; cry over it (sometimes); Skip eating over it; even, pretend it was real, over it.

But nothing could fill the blank void that was transparently existing between them.

She knew, ever since she saw the way he'd reacted to his ex, there wasn't a chance in hell.

But she'd always have hope that there'd be a point to all of it anyway.

Fingers crossed; that fate didn't drag her along this excruciating misery, just to prove she wasn't good enough for him.

Because she already knew that.

"He'll be back next semester. It least that's what my step mum said." Harry shrugged, while pushing his sushi around his plate.

"I just can't believe he dropped off the face of the earth. Without even talking to me about it." Her features turned sour. "Especially after --" Victoria stopped herself, almost revealing the kiss.

Harry surely wouldn't mind, but she still didn't want to take a chance of ruining the slightest of chemistry between them.

"After what?" His eyes were off his sushi.

Panicking; shrugging; looking away, she replied with.

"After, we talked about stuff, and life, and...stuff." She answered, hoping her lie would suffice.

Harry chuckled. "Well now I know you're shit at lying." He leaned his arms against the table; smirking. "Spill."

She knew this foundation they had was built off of trust. That seemed to be most important to him. So instead of lying, she took this opportunity to show him she could be honest.

"He kissed me." Victoria hushed; immediately, gazing at the floor.

There was an awkward cough; a shuffle of a chair.

Moments passed, before a British accent was clear.

"Did you like it?"

Her eyes met his. They seemed open; hard to read, but fragile.

This wasn't the response she was expecting.

"I don't know."

"Well, comparing it to others. How was it?"

Again, this is not at all what she was thinking he'd say.

Her cheeks flamed, and her heart raced.

Anxiety was fueling any and all reaction she was having.

Awkwardly looking up, Victoria mumbled a "I have nothing to compare it to."

It was so softly spoken, she'd hoped he didn't hear.

"Excuse me?" Harry leaned forward.

She immediately looked out the window. "It's getting late, I have class in the morning." Victoria pushed her chair out. "I better head back."

Stiffly smiling, her legs began moving; Already starting to scurry away.

Grabbing her bag, she didn't dare catch his gaze. "Thanks for dinner." Her clad boots echoed against the restaurant.

Her feet carrying her far and fast; out of complete and utter embarrassment.

She hadn't told many people, and why she told him, she wasn't quite sure.

Maybe by accident, or maybe out of fear he'd see through another one of her lies if she'd told one again.

It escalated in minutes, which only made the situation worse.

But, In hind sight, she could of made a better escape. Though it was much to late now, as she made her way down the sidewalk.

The streets were cold; the night was dark.

A couple blocks down, was the haven of the dorms; and that all seemed to far away, when Victoria could hear the unmistakeable footsteps clattering to catch up with her.

(A penny for your thoughts? 😊😘 /P.S. A picture of Harry's ex is on the clipboard./)

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