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There was a distance between them. A rivaling conversation awaiting to be had.

She always wondered- always guessed. Though she felt every lie, every distraction. She could never quite see it- let alone, understand it.

The email was long, it was bracketed in paragraphs. Bordering, on perfect grammar and continuous astonishments.

It was everything Victoria and Harry weren't saying. It was everything she was waiting for- it was the end.

A life unreal- a life worth lying for. Was all gone now. Because she was reading Sam's regarded words. Something she hadn't known, and something she could of lived a lifetime without.

With hesitance, she took in every word, every sentence.

Carefully admitting his idea of Brooke, and cornering Harry into a relationship that was displayed for a business, simply because of pent up jealousy and hatred over the years. He got everything Vick, all I got was his backside when I watched him leave every night.

Then he goes on to explain his visa, and how he was running out of time in America. That Harry had been after Victoria all along, solely on the fact, Sam had feelings for her. Because once Harry found out about his betrayal, all else was rage. After the diner incident, the day you pushed me. I saw the way he looked at you, looked at me. He told me I'd regret what I did. And I do now. He called immigration the next day. I had one week.

That's why Sam's in England, for it least another three years after Harry made a few calls. Which made her gasp.

Going on about Harry having told him of their physical relationship. Sending him a video of Victoria laughing in the library, or reminding him of her longing feelings for him, rather Sam himself. He says you love him? I can't stand that, you know? If I were there now, I'd like to think you'd be laughing with me- pining over me. Instead of someone who doesn't feel the same.

All this time. All of the desire; the thoughts. They were set up, they were something all together evil. It made sense to her; devastating sense. Why he pushed their friendship in the beginning, why he eyed her like prey sometimes.

Harry's reasoning was through pure revenge. Nothing was of substance- nothing was real.

And Victoria wonders why this was happening to her? Why she always got the bad end of the line. Sick to her stomach; pregnant; and now solely alone.

She lets it be. Because this was it. The thing they weren't saying- what he couldn't.

He never cared for her, never tried. How could he? This had been a set up since the beginning. A demented way of playing a game.

He won, she thought. All of this, for a twisted family dilemma she was never apart of.

The innocent, always play the best victims.

Her eyes glance back to the computer, desperately continuing.

My mother is furious with Harry, but what can she do? There's nothing anyone can- and I'm sorry for that. For everything, really. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I thought I could fix this- thought I could fix us. I was ashamed of my actions, I never wanted you to know. I never thought you would...

But all else has failed, so there's this email. There's his truth. And the reality of her situation.

The moment is solid, fractured, but there. She can't move it, can't contort it into anything she wants- or needs.

She's gasping for air, but her lungs are absent. She's reaching for someone, but no one is there.

The world is whispering I told you. The obvious warnings are mocking her, and the truth is uncomfortably settled.

She's lost whatever she was pretending to be. Her hands shake, and all she can do is scream.

Scream and throw the computer, throw off the blankets. Muster up a sob, gather whatever property she has hysterically, and finally look away when he enters frantic.

"What the hell?!" His eyes are wide, his chest is heaving. "What's wrong? What's going on?!"

(Don't hurt me 🙈 I love you all so much. I really haven't been motivated to write because of Hendall, and the boys possible break up. So I'm sorry for being a debby downer. But you guys are truly amazing! because some of you voted for me on this "best of undiscovered" competition, which is so sweet and awesome! Seriously thank you, that's so nice. And a few of you messaged me, and that pushed me to finish this chapter. So thankyou all! I appreciate every read. You are the best!)

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