She knew then.

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Somewhere, in time, she got lost in familiarity. No longer feeling the need to dodge his gaze, or hide somewhere convenient.

Anytime he approached; their discussions were fluent and absent in reasoning.

Seven days of continuos chattering in between classes and library sessions, had made it that way.

And with each breath, and smile; she felt her heart grow heavier.

Victoria's crush was blossoming into something precarious.

She tried to deny herself the luxury; to ignore his scent, or the gleam in his eyes. But she knew the moment she saw him, how impractical it would all be, to tell herself a lie.

So she only felt herself fall deeper into the abyss; reminding her fantasies to it least enjoy the view, before she drowns.

"Have you seen Sam?" Victoria asked as they walked side by side.

Harry bit his lip in concentration, then all to quickly looked back at her. "Can't say I have. But then again, I usually don't."

Victoria rolled her eyes. "I mean don't you two it least see each other on weekends or something, Ya know, because of your parents?"

Harry's jaw clenched, and he drew out a long breath. "We're not supposed to discuss family stuff, remember?"

Which in all honesty, was true.

Ever since the step brother mishap. Harry figured it'd be best if he left it to Sam, to share their history; since he was so keen on keeping it a secret.

"I know, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." She shook her head; glancing down.

He let out a light chuckle; the kind that made Victoria's stomach stir, and desire grow.

"It's okay. Just a friendly reminder. No need for apologizes." He nudged her. "But I'll let you know if I see him, okay?" He smiled playfully.

Victoria blushed for no cause, while murmuring an "mkay."

Then all to naturally, conversation passed by.

Culture; society; even the kardashian's, were apart of the discussion.

But there was a fine line between what to say and what not to.

Backgrounds were not usually present in their banters. But neither of them seemed to mind.

They enjoyed one another's company. And that's all that mattered.

As minutes passed, Victoria admired each laugh or dimple she'd created.

Until, it was all to suddenly taken away from her.

She watched his features turn hard in one expression. And contort into anger the next.

His eyes were locking on something so intensely, that she thought he might pounce on whatever it was.

Stopping in their tracks; her gaze followed his glare.

And There in all of her sensual glory, was the answer.

Standing in confidence and radiance; the beautiful brunette laughed, and smiled.

She was rumored to of ruined his heart; his life even.

And by the look on his face, Victoria had a pretty good clue of what was what.

She wondered what it would be like to have such a hold.

She could only dream of having this kind of impact on him.

But she knew, by the clench of his fist, and the pure rage. That jealousy was all to fourth coming.

She knew then, there would never be a chance.

Because Harry was watching his ex, flirt shamelessly with another guy; and he wasn't even attempting to be subtle about it.

It was all so fast.

She was crushing him, he was crushing her, and Victoria knew if Sam had been present; she'd be crushing him.

He loves her. Her conscious mocked in repetitive whispers.

"We should go." He said sternly.

Her heart dropped. "Yea, we should."

(Love you all 😝)

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