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It wasn't the weight of it, or the fervent sensation tickling her skin. Nor the way he smelled of a musky cologne and cotton.

No, it was simply the warmth spreading rapidly throughout her body. Burning and aching, in a seemingly effortless way. Enlightening senses she'd long forgotten.

Her heart; along with her mind, rapidly speed to each inhale of breath he took, or small glance her way.

The touch of a man can leave you breathless. The quote she'd once read in a cosmopolitan magazine was never once of importance to her, but now it seemed sacred.

Victoria reveled in this idea. Not understanding; and frankly for the moment, not caring, why his arm is still perched over her.

The program she so strategically had planned to help her focus had consequently done the opposite.

David's voice was a mere echo in the distance, compared to the trance she was under.

"Thank You so much! I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, but of course more success than anything." Thats when the lights dimmed, and he'd left the stage.

Victoria's hands somehow instinctively became rhythmic in a clap, and just like that, she felt him stand.

Her head shot up, and he looked down at her.

His eyes were so deep and pleading; that it was almost like he was noticing her for the first time.

Victoria's cheeks flushed, and she hadn't a clue what to say, but she got the feeling; neither did he.

He scratched the back of his neck, a habit she found he did when nervous; and smiled slightly.

"Sorry about that. Er, I was going to sit somewhere else, I swear. It's just, my dad did that whole thing and I didn't want to walk away and have him think-"

"It's really okay." She interrupted while giving a genuine smile.

He simply smiled back, relief flushing through him like a cool breeze.

Standing to her feet she gathered her things, and skeptically looked back at him.

He stared at her; almost mesmerizingly.

She couldn't look away, nor did she want to. It was as if it was only them in that auditorium. Eyelashes fluttering and breaths heavy.

He was trying to figure her out. To decipher how she was so kind, but more importantly why to him?

She was on the fritz of being under his gaze; a tightening in her stomach, and a desire to be trapped in this moment forever.

The mixture of conflicting thoughts soon broke the moment, and his grin widened. He still held her glare, ogling her like a fine painting.

"I'll see you around Victoria."

And if by some miracle, she hesitated and replied with,

"See you around."

(There's not many of you, but I'm apologizing anyway for not updating in forever. I'm going through a lot right now. Thank you so much for reading! 😘)

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