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The difference of the past and the present, was the way he looked at her now- with heavy eyes, and immeasurable guilt.

She was pure, kind. The type of person you always imagined to be, but could never quite meet the standards of. He'd taken that from her, just as he'd taken everything.

He felt the moment. More as something heated and raged, rather than hurt. She was there, beautiful, wide eyed, pregnant. Staring at him as if he was a mirage of emotions.

It was the pull of it, their love- That made a part of him crazy. Made something inside him combust.

They're connected, bound to the flesh of one another. Walking away is impossible, moving on' mine as well be forgotten, and life as they knew it- is forever changed.

"Victoria?" He didn't really know what he was doing, why he was yelling her name; afraid she'd disappear if he glanced away.

She was scared, nervous. On the brink of having a mental breakdown, and a total awareness of what was to come.

He was angry with her, for not listening, for leaving. But he was outraged by the expanse of her stomach, the way she seemed to be glowing.

"What the hell is going on?! Why haven't you answered any of my calls?! Even replied to a fucking email?"

An explanation was what Harry was looking for, but this immense need for her, didn't pull him to ask, but instead to fight; for her- with her. Whatever to fix this gap.

Her face turned red. His presence was too much, this realization was just all too much. "You know why, we both do. Now if you'd excuse me." She tried to move past him, keeping her emotions void.

He stepped in front of her.

"Is it mine?" He knew the answer, but he had to ask anyway. Needed to hear it aloud.

Jaw clenched, eyes glossy, he waited.

A beat of silence, and a pained expression on her face, lead to a glare off. "Victoria please..."

"No. It's not." She choked. Attempting to step to the side once again, to only have him catch her arm. Pulling her to him, as her fists clenched, and eyes turned to slits.

"Don't you fucking lie to me!" He barked.

"Why?! You lied to me! You always do!" She tried pulling away, even tried shoving him. But he didn't budge. It wasn't until he heard a cough, that he was brought back to their surroundings.

Two security guards on campus eyed them, awaiting for something more dramatic to occur before they'd take action. Harry caught on, and loosened his grip.

Seemingly forgetting the world around him when she's his entire universe.

"I love you! How many times do I have to say that?! How many months do we have to spend apart for you to know that this" he waved between them. "Is where we're meant to be." He angrily whispered.

Running a hand through his hair, his eyes glanced between her stomach and face. "You, you're, pregnant.'re pregnant."

It was the realization, the thought of it- that brought immediate doubt. What if she's like Brooke, what if this is all a set up, maybe Sam's behind this. The possibilities were endless. His past was still leading him through a maze of uncertainties.

But the way her eyes glossed over, the way she was breaking, and breaking, watching, and heaving- already told him it couldn't quite possibly be.

She was in love with a man who'd betrayed her, all because others had betrayed him.

He became what he was fighting against. A nightmare come true, a regret long lived.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I never meant to be cruel, or unfair. I was just so-"

"Blinded!" She finished. "So angry, that you pulled me into a world I never belonged to. Knocked me up, made me feel something that was never meant for you! Yes, you're right! You should be sorry!"

She pushed him hard, pulled her bag closer to her, and stormed out the doorway. Leaving behind the only boy that was ever worth staying for.

{Don't hate me. Story is almost over! Predictions?!!!! I love you all, thankyou for your patients. All the love babes 😘}

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