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The pause and realization of what was happening, moved at a rapid pace to make sense.

He was getting closer, and her breathing was getting scarcer.

It's as if time slowed down, drawing out the very moment she'd been waiting for.

But now that it was here, her desires were second guessing themselves.

His features had never been this close before, and Victoria felt lust run deeply to her core.

She was in aw, as his feet finally planted themselves directly in front of her.

His chiseled jaw, his swooped hair, his green eyes; all played a part in the alluring impression he was leaving.

For a moment, it felt secluded; as if it was only them in the crowded library.

For a moment, it felt eerie.

A distant silence drifted by, before he finally shifted. Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, before focusing on the task at hand.

"Um, you have mice and men, and I-" he began, but Victoria held out the book to him immediately.

Not caring to hear an explanation, or exactly why he needed it. She'd give him the world if he'd ask. And not even she could tell you why; all she knows is, she would.

Harry's mouth fell agape at her gesture, staring at her outstretched hand, holding his favorite childhood book.

The one he spent many hours listening and reading, growing up. A bit morbid; but Harry loved the realism to it. As if it was saying; sometimes dreams are better left dreams.

It only seemed fit to read such a bleak novel, at such a dreary time in his life.

"Are you sure? I mean you're obviously reading it. I was just going to ask how much longer you'd think you might have it?"

He was dumbfounded by her willingness, that he himself, reconsidered taking it.

"I'm sure." Victoria whispered. "You can have it." She insisted, pushing it farther toward him.

With a hesitant glance toward her, he reluctantly took the book, "Er, thankyou....?" He was looking for her name.

"Victoria" she finished. A slight blush creeping to her cheeks.

"Well um, thankyou Victoria." He smiled genuinely. "I'll be sure to get it back to you."

"Take your time." She replied.

With a small nod, and a murmured 'thanks again' he turned, and left her in a stoop of rivaling emotions.

She let out a breath she had been involuntarily holding, and closed her eyes. Knowing that their conversation could of been worse, but could of gone much better. She still hadn't even gotten his real name.

Though the only regret she found herself dwelling on, from their short exchange; was that he came to her compellingly, instead of willingly.

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