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"Maybe if you spent less time worrying about shit that doesn't concern you; you might of actually made the Dean's list this year!"

The brawl escalated quickly; much to Victoria's horror, and much to nosy student's delight.

No one could quite recall how it turned into this, because words flew through the air like a passing breeze.

The clenching of fists, the hushed whispers. The yelling; out doing all.

"Fuck you Styles! Some of us had to actually work to get here! Instead of calling our daddy to sign a check every time we wanted to join some pompous club!" Sam snarled back.

The room fell silent.

Then out of pure heated rage, Harry picked up a chair and threw it across the diner.

People gasped; someone screamed while tripping away from it.

It was all so fast, and present. That it was hard to keep up with the motions.

Victoria's brain tried to do something; anything.

Yet she was confused, it seemed the questions outranked her desire to help end this.

All she could do was flinch.

"You know what Sam, it least I have a dad."

This made him flush, even Victoria could tell it was a low blow to something within him. It only took a second for the emotion on Sam's face to return bitter, and once it did; it seemed to settle.

"Well it least my girlfriend didn't fake a pregnancy to ruin my life. And then proceed to fuck other men." Sam growled.

And that's what did it.

Maybe it was the flash of hurt crossing Harry's face, or the feeling of privacy being publicized out of anger. But Victoria couldn't hold it in any longer.

She pushed Sam against a wall. "Stop it! Just stop!" She screamed.

It became eerily quiet for a few seconds, before there was yelling from the boys behind her.

She turned to find them holding Harry back as he struggled to get closer to Sam.

His fists were tight, and his pupils were dilated.

If looks could kill, everyone in that diner would be dead.

"Let me go!" Harry barked, trying to shrug off the multiple hands pulling him away.

"He's not worth it."

"Settle down Styles."

"Don't do this."

His peers were shouting out reasoning.

The employees were hidden behind the counter out of fear, and the manger was notifying the police on his cell phone.

People were stationary; frozen in discomfort.

Though Harry seemed indifferent to all of it, his focus drifted.

Abruptly landing on Victoria.

Eyes softening, and posture slouching; he watched her.

Their features matched one another's, as he slowly stopped fighting.

He stilled under multiple hands. Then he murmured a "Im good, I'm good." He was shaking them off while fixing his jacket.

No more words were said for the short duration.

Heavily breathing and heading for the door, he looked back. "You made a mistake Sam; a big one." The sentence sounded so cold, even Victoria could feel the chill run up her body.

It was a concealed threat, and she didn't get the vibe, that it was empty

(Sam and Harry must know each other pretty well 😏 Any guesses? And omg thankyou for all the comments, you guys are literally! Love you all so much! Hope you liked the chap!)

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