Gives in.

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Warranted and tired, they lay sprawled against each other.

Warm hands, heavy breathing.

They've been at this for weeks.

Tipping the scale of friends with benefits, and something cautious.

Victoria felt more; always, forever.

The kind of feeling that would take a lifetime to lose, but hours to grow.

He felt clueless.

Like he wasn't aware of the rare possession he was holding.

Sometimes she'd see a distance in his eyes; constricting her heart. And other times he'd engulf her with such desire, that she couldn't quite tell the difference between the two.

Nothing ever said; nothing ever done.

Always silence; always a mystery.

Always sad.

"Come home with me this summer." It was more of a plea than a request.

She was dumbfounded by the sincerity in his tone, that she took to long to reply. So he continued.

"My uncle owns a beach house right on the edge of Maine. He offered me to stay, have it all to myself. To quote on quote live for once and get my barmy ass out of my school books." He smiled, reaching for a strand of her hair, and tucking it back behind her ear.

"It could just be us." He whispered, leaning and peppering her jaw with slow kisses.

Enticing; persuading.

"You want that?" Her voice cracked, bewildered.

He pulled away, deciphering the emotion on her face.

Had he said to much? Gone to far?

"Of course I do." He tilted her chin up, still trying to read her body language.

"Look, I know I confuse the shit out of you, hell I confuse myself half the time. But I've been thinking about it, and I want you there. Honestly."

His hand reached for her waist, pulling her naked body closer.

"But- why?" She was so unaware, so confused.

His one worded explanations had been fine for sex; for having him.

But living with each other for months? Unbearably close; connected; finding his small habits; and eating dinner every night.

Just pretending; just living a lie.

She couldn't do that.

Knew she'd need much more justification, to even consider playing house with him for the summer.

"Because I want you to." His tongue swiped up her neck, grazing his teeth against her rapid pulse.

"Say yes." He hushed, nibbling on her lobe.

She was conflicted by his touch; his longing.

The moment felt perplexed, and to much.

And the rushed words slipped out of her without thought. "That's not enough, and you know it."

They both grew still, taking everything in.

She began to shuffle, unprepared for an argument.

Feeling it'd be best to go; To run, per usual.

But to her surprise, his grip only tightened, while letting out a low rumble.

"Victoria, just- stay with me." His hands slid up her torso, palmed a breast. Kissed her cheek, her neck, lips, until he felt her give in. "Just stay." He mumbled against her lips.

She always gives in.

(Love you all 😘 and did anyone see Zayn's excerpt?😳 too da loo)

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