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Winter came like a hazy memory, drifting upon being noticeable; and inconvenient.

The whistling breezes, and white skies; were among them.

Allowing the first snow to glisten against the bare trees, while decorating the grasses in fields of white.

It was certain that January was evident, as Victoria sniffled.

She was holding her arms closer to her, so the fabric of her sweater brushed against her stomach.

It was cold, and frost bite was striking.

Yet she endured it.

Gambling on the notion that he'd be out here.

The figure immediately caught her eye, and she began jogging to catch up. "Sam!" She yelled, ignoring the judgmental glares surrounding her. "Sam!"

Fixing her beanie atop her head; she slowed when he finally saw her, stopping in his tracks.

Victoria caught her breath once she realized he was going to talk to her.

The steps it took to grow closer to him felt heavy. And his gaze seemed a bit hazy.

But she continued forward anyway.

Planting herself squarely in front of him.

"Sam." She hushed, in a tired voice. "Please talk to me. I'm sorry." She tried to fit every word in a breath. "You know I  just didn't want things to escalate any more than they did."

His jaw clenched, as he gazed into the distance.

"Look." He breathed, allowing a smoke of heat to pass freely into the air. "I get that. But right now, I just need some space. This has nothing to do with you shoving me. I'm just dealing with some..." He fidgeted "Issues."

"Oh" she looked down, knowing it's only been a few days; though, without any questions answered and his silent treatment combining both, its felt like an eternity. "I get it." She sadly smiled.

Turning, she felt a grip immediately pull on her arm. Whipping her around, and back to him.

Her eyes widened when he neared her.

Then she gasped, when lips were abruptly and firmly pressed against her own.

It was short lived, but it was prominent.

"Talk to you soon Vick." He whispered, planting one last chaste kiss against her full lips, before walking away like nothing had ever happened.

(I know it's short guys, I'm sorry! But if I can get 5 votes on this chapter I'll make the next chap longer than usual; if not, I'll just do a regular update, which will be on Saturday. And Harry will be present, I promise. Now I have to go study (a.k.a flunk out of college) lol, like always, all the love! Thank you so much for reading!)

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