What's it like...

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She could hear his lulls, his whaling and frustration. The way he seemed so fragile, yet hardened. That was enough to end it. Enough to want a pint of whiskey, a drug to dull the ache. Right there, in a hospital, a life could take a life. And the little boy, with soft eyes, and mesmerizing cries- did.

He took her breath away; Made her question existence.

When she fed him, her whispers came soft and slow. "You were made out of love, I had enough for us both."

She'd repeat and serenade- as if it'll lighten the pain and despair, when the social worker will finally enter their room tomorrow evening. Bombarding her with aspiring parents, and hopeful couples. She hushes and whispers, to lesson the ache, when she watches them make him theirs, and brand him with a personality as soft as they'd like. Put him in tennis, football maybe. Drag him to math class, buy him his favorite chocolates on Sunday's after church.

But she can see a curly headed boy in the future. With his father's dimples, and his mother's eyes. Breaking young girls hearts, just as his daddy did. Light and rambunctious, so full of life that he'll draw a crowd.

She only wants him to be happy.

She'll give up the life she wanted, to give him the one he deserves.

That means she must die. She knows she has. With an empty hospital room, late at night, the nurse tries to take him, but she says no'. Always no'.

Cradled in her arms, lies the very last piece of her heart. Sleeping peacefully and sound. So tiny and small.

"What's it like..." She heard the hushed- deep tone from the doorway. Glancing up, with wide eyes, she took him in. Eyes hollow, hair ratty. She wants to scream at him, yell, even cry. She's so angry that he's here, but so relieved at the same time. Wants to tell him how much she needs him, and how much she hates him. How their son and Harry already look uncannily alike. She wants him to kiss her, but to leave all the same.

It's the last piece of her in her arms, yet the rest, is standing a few feet from the door.

(😎😎😎 Short I know, but I love you guys, you should know 😘)

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