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The moon was brewing with decay and mistakes; regrets and present time, as she shuffled, letting the tantalizing breeze play with her exposed legs.

She didn't make it far, before his voice was distant and clear against the night.

"I'm sorry."

She stopped.

Not wanting to turn to look into his emerald gaze; to face the truth.

"Doesn't matter anymore." She replied.

The drying tears on her cheeks, might be replenished if he doesn't return back to where he came from.

"Victoria, I never meant-"

"I know!" She yelled. "You never meant to hurt me! To kiss me! To pretend you gave a damn about any of this, me!" Her voice cracked.

It was silent for a moment. Both of them taking in his obvious drunken slurs; her fragile state.

Then she faces him.

Sees the tint of red to his cheek she'd created; remembers why their here, why they always pull each other until there's nothing left but the emptiness of forgotten feelings and empty thoughts.

"You've been having sex with her. This entire time." The words chipped at her heart until it was collapsing. "I can't even look at you."

Victoria's feet shuffled back to the path she was reluctantly following.

Wanting nothing more than to disappear. To forget about Harvard boy; about love; about anything.

"It's not like we're a couple! For fucks sake Victoria! It shouldn't of mattered to you."

She felt the sidewalk tilt; felt the blow.

She knew they were nothing; she knew she made them into everything.

Knew that he hadn't talked to her in weeks, because he knew how much this meant to her.

But it didn't change the way it sounded coming from his mouth; Didn't change the way her body instantly tightened.

Didn't change the way he made it so casual and there, when it was so delicate and secret.

"You're right." She breathed. "It shouldn't matter."

She met him once again.

Almost disgusted with the look of anger covering his face.

Eyes hard; Lips lined.

"But it does to me." She whispered, loud enough to comprehend, but soft enough to hear the way it broke her.

Then she was leaving him behind with her own truth.

As if the weight of it was supposed to make something fair between them, like this was all some sort of lesson.

It was gone, all of it.

And they were fools to think they could maneuver any kind of relationship that was
Beneficial to the other.

Because they were hot and cold; dark and light; today and tomorrow.

"God damnit!" He yelled.

She flinched, as hot tears found the base of her neck. Then she heard the crash, heard him cussing louder.

Her heart raced, looking back at the commotion he was creating.

He punched the brick wall repeatedly, a ripple running through his muscles.

Broken glass covered the lawn from the window she assumes he devoured in his wake.

The library.

"Stop it!" She screamed.

But he continued, his fist bloody, his eyes like fury.

Her small legs stumbled to reach him.

Grabbing his arm, his waist, pulling and pulling, until he grabbed her, pushed her against the wall.

A flash of fear running down her spine, before he slammed his body against hers, his lips finding her own.

(So sorry about the long wait. I love you all. And I hope you guys had an awesome Halloween! 🎃👻 Thanks so much for reading!❤️)

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