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He was laughing feverishly. Resulting in a catch of breath.

His dimples were prominent; his eyes were shut.

The men around him were joining in; submerging themselves in the radiance of his attitude.

If words were said, they were hanging on every single one.

If conversation had stopped, than their thoughts would follow suite.

His smile; his laugh; his voice; were all so alluring, and ravenous to others desires; that the room seemed to rotate around him.

She was all to engulfed in it as well, feeling the pull of his gravity.

Even her mind was judging the side glances of other girls admiring his looks, or boys trying to mimic him.

He was a show that everyone would gladly appreciate for decades. And all to unfortunately; she knew she'd be apart of the crowd.

"So do you want vanilla, or mocha?" Sam asked, sitting across from her.

She immediately met his scrutiny, then followed it to the waitress tapping her foot.

"Uh, actually" she glanced back at the specials on the board. "I'll take a caramel cappuccino."

"That all?" She fake smiled while jotting their order down.

"That's it." Victoria recoiled.

With a quiet nod and giddy steps, she was gone.

"Interesting." Sam raised an eyebrow.


"You're wearing lipgloss today." He smirked, eyes darkening.

She felt awkward; but more accurately, she felt distraught.

"Um" her attention was haywire; running ramped, between something sultry and something unlabeled. "Yea, I ran out of chapstick" she lied.

"I like it."

Her pulse speed, and her hands felt clammy.

His smile was prominent; intense.

"Thanks." She looked down. Feeling heat swarm to the flesh of her cheeks.

"Oh fuck Styles you didn't?! Please tell me you it least got some ass that night?!" A boy hooted loudly across the small cafe.

If any occurrences broke the time span of focus on Harvard boy, it was now gone and everyone was back at it.

Which included Victoria.

"They're animals, huh?" Sam scoffed. "You'd think since they go to an Ivy League school, they'd at least try an act like adults."

This confused her, and not because she could sense his anger; it was the jealousy lacing his tone as well.

"They're just having fun." She shrugged.

Her gaze settled back on the nine or so boys crowded together at the table. Laughing and shoving. Noticing all the alumni jackets that matched one another.

"You call that fun?" He shook his head, scrunching his eyes together "They're what's wrong with society today. That's why younger generations can't be taken seriously, because of pricks like them!" He yelled the end, glaring harshly at them.

It only took a moment for every head to turn Sam's way. Including Harry's.

Victoria couldn't believe his outburst; couldn't understand his motive. He was being so irate.

"What's your problem?!" She whispered loudly.

"Yea mate, what seems to be the issue?" Harry stood, jaw clenched in bewilderment and justification.

You could drop a pin, and it was sure to ring in every ear.

The silence was deadly; and so was the air.

(Thanks so much for reading, love you guys 😊)

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