Can't you see?!

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He looked younger now, with brows furrowed in concentration; eyes blazing with uncertainty. Almost like the reminder of the past, brought his youth right along with it.

Maybe it was the conflict; the way he struggled to stand still, or take in a normal breath- that made her feel sorry for him.

Made self pity grow, and nostalgia become increasingly apparent.

She waited; she watched; she longed for something more.

"Brooke was an acquaintance." He began, while running his long fingers through his tasseled hair. "I mean, we fooled around once or twice, but she was always moving. Always gone at the wrong time."

The breeze continued to tickle Victoria's skin, as she tentatively listened.

"Her father- he uh, he traveled a lot. That's actually how we met. Her dad and mine were once business partners, of sorts, before they both got better offers." Harry cringed at the last part, as if he was reliving something damaged.

"But once Brooke's father lost his job to the recession, they moved back to Boston. Permanently."

She watched the way his mouth twitched; the way he looked nauseous; uncomfortable.

"That's when it started." Harry seethed, staring into the distance.

"When what started?"

"The pushy dinners, the unexplained appearances around my house during the summer. My parents throwing a celebratory dinner at our house, when she just so happened to show up with an acceptance letter to Harvard."

He ran a hand over his face.

"Then came everything else with it. Like dates, asking her to be my girlfriend, saying I love you- having her tell me about a fucking pregnancy!" He grew louder and louder with each revelation pouring from his lips.

"Harry." She softly said.

His breathing tense; chest heaving; fists clenched.

"Calm down, baby." She'd never used the coy nickname before, but they both liked the softness that came with it, passing through the air swiftly.

Letting it recollect himself.

"I found the journal on my bed- without a warning; a name. I thought it was by mistake, that maybe my roommate left it there as a joke or something. It wasn't until I opened it, that I realized I was the joke." He sadly laughed.

"I still to this day don't know who put it there. But whoever did, either really hates me, or really loves me. I can't tell the difference anymore."

He sounded as if he was on the verge of tears, while the subjects continued to become hazy, and mixed. Confusing, and torturing Victoria to no end.

"My father is an award winning analyst. My biological mother, is CEO of a huge corporation that branches pharmaceuticals worldwide. The business is through our name."

The silence was palpable.

"Harry, what're you saying?"

"Can't you see Victoria?! My parents were paying her to get me to fall in love! To make me quit school! Start a family, take over the business like they always wanted- like I always denied! All of them- every single last one of those fucks, played me! They knew! Her dad needed the money, so did she! It benefited everyone, except me! I sat there, day in and day out! Like a fucking idiot- smiling, laughing; with the woman I loved; the woman who supposedly was holding my child! Just playing on the notion that it was all fate! That it was all meant to be! Even when her father would say strange things; even when my own fucking parents came together after the divorce to simply see eye to eye- pushing paperwork and talks of dropping out! I never once caught it! My step mum, was the only one who didn't know. Along with me."

(So sorry for not updating yesterday! I know I'm running late, but it's still Thursday! Hope you enjoy- have no clue if you saw this coming, or not lol. Just remember there's still more surprises and secrets to be had! Thanks again for reading 😘)

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