Victoria stop.

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She felt it while walking Main Street; the steady ache between her legs.

The hollow space beneath her ribcage.

The constant reminder of what they did, and how many times she'd pictured it; over and over again.

You could say it made things complicated; reversed.

To know what had happened that night, and still be able to move forward.

Both unwilling to push; or pry.

She knew his answer, and he knew hers.

It hurt like hell, but it was viable.

"You know I meant what I said." He rasped, breaking the silence, while pressing his hands into the wooly pockets of his coat.

"I know."

"I really am sorry for everything, even last-"

"Don't" She snapped. "apologize, for last night."

He visibly gulped, as they reached the cafe.

He'd texted her early this morning; wanted to talk.

Meaning, he wanted to settle her unsettled feelings.

Clear the already dense air.

But he'd taken her virginity; taken her sanity; her thoughts; dreams; love; all of it.

He had everything, she had nothing.

Yet he still unconsciously wanted more, wanted reassurance for his actions the night before.

Wanted her to tell him it was all okay; that it will all be okay.

Selfish; inconsiderate; confused.

He looked at her for guidance.

But alas, she couldn't stand the sight of him.


The corner booth was secluded and empty.

Perfect for a private conversation.

Perfect for an unseen heartbreak.

Perfect for her world to totally disintegrate.

Once settled; coffee ordered; time passing; awkward silence filling.

She'd decided.

"So go on with it then." She took a sip of her coffee, as if she was unfazed; strong; and prepared.

"Go on with what?" He scrunched his nose up.

His voice deep, and lost in lack of sleep.

"Go on and tell me how big of a mistake it was. How you can't do this, how you know about how I feel, how you still love her, how you-"

"Victoria stop."

She continued on anyway, not even noticing the swelling of tears gathering in her eyes.

"How you wish you hadn't. How I can't, and will never be your type or what you want." She choked.

Letting it all out, letting it go.

It was like a toxin inside her body deluding out.

It felt good; it felt tiring.

With a silence so deadly, she closed her eyes.

Let a couple tears fall.

Let the pain seep in, until it made itself at home inside her chest.

Let the longing divulge, for someone close to hold her, and tell her he's just a man, it'll pass.

"I think I've always loved you." She went on, ignoring his hazy pitiful gaze.

"At first sight and everything." Her bone crushing smile constricted something inside of him. "How stupid does that sound, right?" She laughed bitterly. "To love someone you don't even know."

"Victoria, you don't have-"

"No, I do." She wiped her cheek. "But I think the worst part, is watching you always look right past me."

Her sentence ended in a tortured whisper, as she watched the color flicker in his eyes.

His face drained; then paled.

The twitch of his hand, the words being caught in his throat- was enough.

"I hope you work everything out with her. I hope you remember me, even if it's for something foolish." She smiled slightly, but let it fall. "Goodbye Harry."

Standing, she grabbed a couple dollars from her purse in a whim, throwing them to the table, and was out the door before she knew it.

Leaving her dreams behind, and learning how to survive without her world.

Without her purpose.

(Sorry for taking so long again! I just want to say, for everyone who reads my updates, Im truly blessed, and thankyou so much. I really do love and appreciate all the comments and votes. You guys literally are the best 😘 I didn't even think 5 people would read this story, so thankyou.)

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