Ruin her.

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It was beautiful in a sense.

The way her heart lurched for him; ached for him. If she could, she'd give herself away for him.

That thought alone, scared her.

Made her feel vulnerable; made her feel weak, and tired.

He'd ruin her.

She'd known since the very moment she saw him walking through the library; laughing and resembling life.

She knew, he'd be the end of her sanity.

This tethered pull between them, made her rethink every life decision she ever made. Made her reconsider fairytales, and marriage, and how things are supposed to be. Compared to what they are.

His steps were almost directly behind her; pounding; gliding.

So loud; so overwhelming.

She turned to meet him. Eyes bright; guard up. "Look, I didn't mean to just run out. I-"

He grabbed her by the waist. Pulled her into him easily.

Victoria gasped, as his hands fondled her body; molding her with him.

His eyes were blazing; his breathing was jagged.

The way it felt to be this close shouldn't of felt as good as it did for her.

He took her in. Made her feel wanted; desired; all in the matter of seconds.

Made this hole inside her fill to the brim; then spill; pour; pour; until it was to much.

All to much.

As if a million words could be said.

A million thoughts followed through.

And a million ideas passed.

Before another moment could slither by, his lips crashed into hers.

Not basing on sweet or sultry. But, rough an adamant.

Victoria couldn't keep up; couldn't understand how this was happening.

This kiss was driven; it was hard.

It only took the feel of his mouth grazing hers to bring her body back to life.

The fire engulfing every sense she ever had under control.

It was reckless.

It was so wrong; but it was so much more right.

This was opposite of Sam, opposite of the daydreams she had.

It was the ultimate sin to the promises she had made herself.

But she was a fool, and right now that's all she ever really wanted to be.

His teeth nocked into hers. Urgently prying her mouth open with his tongue.

Somewhere in their daze she was pushed against a building. His hands fiddling with her breasts; her ass; the tops of her thighs.

He was devouring her. Engulfing himself in every inch she had to offer.

Her neck was slowly being marked; making a low moan escape her betraying body.

She started to let go, to smile, and feel her every need be fulfilled.

She could feel a bulge; hear him groaning.

It was happening. It was--

He pulled away.

Puffing; gazing; eyeing.

His lips were swollen; his eyes were darker than she's ever seen before.

She tries to catch her breath too, but one look from him, and she's out of touch.

"So how was it?" He breathed.

Victoria's features fell. "W-what?"

"Sam's kiss. How was it?"

(Kisses 😉😘)

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