Not her.

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As a child, Victoria was delicate and kind. Shy, with a foreign feeling to the broad destructive world ahead of her. She was like most- like all children that age.

Aspiring to become something great, maybe something she'd seen in a movie.

But, time had always caught up to her- destroying what little she had, with whatever hope she could conspire.

It brought her here- to now. With each breath, there was a consequence. With each revelation, there was a certainty. She knew she wasn't far along in her pregnancy, but she swears she could feel the life inside of her. Because it was the only one left to be had.

There's yelling; screaming. It's hard for her to think, to breathe.

He was on his knees, in front of her, begging for forgiveness. Defending whatever was told by Sam- pleading with every step she took.

"I love you! Okay, fuck....I love you." He grabbed her legs, pulling her toward him. Pressing against her thighs. "It was a mistake, I never meant for you to find out like this. It's not what you think." But it was exactly what she thought.

She dreamt he'd say those words on a simple day, with time and effort. But, it's different now. Maybe tortured, maybe unfair. Because he can't possibly think she believes him? He can't imagine it's this easy, can he?

Nothing is; nothing ever will be.

She could only feel confined. The way a bird does in a cage. As if her torment behind bars was amusement, and her entire life depended on another.

Her mother used to tell her that anything simple, never lasts, and anything of substance- will be fought for its entirety.

Not once in their relationship has she seen him so broken, so at sorts. That she wonders if he feels as shattered as she does? Wonders if he knew he'd be the end- of the beginning he created? If he'd fight for an entirety with someone else?

With him she is the tallest mountain standing. The brightest of smiles and laughter. But with the secrets; the lies- she crumbles into rubble.

She's scared to know what 'without him' will be like. What a child will do to her. What life has intended for the future.

But her pride has been broken, her hopes have been subdued. So she looks at him, as if he can see everything she's going through, and says.

"It's over."

He pinches his eyes closed, continuing to spew out non sense, while groveling at her feet. She can't hear him though, she can only begin to look for the phone book. Find a taxi, call her dad for some money.

She can only try to begin again, with something that was created out of betrayal. Knowing Harry will haunt her dreams, forever imprinting himself on every cafe, every
resemblance their child will bear of him. She knows what leaving means, but he did this. Not her.

(Don't shoot me! Book is almost over 😐 I love you all 😘)

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