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"It's for my networking class." Harry beamed to one of his lads, who was sat with himself and Victoria.

"You're a biochemist." His eyes scrunched together. "Why would you need to network?"

The shaded brunette was waiting for a reply, as Harry brought the camera closer to his face.

"So I can connect with people."

This made Victoria giggle. As Harry basically shoved the camera against his friend's nose.

Humor was also clearly on his face, as he glanced over at her.

"Hmmm, there's that smile." He grinned. "I'd been missing it."

This made Victoria let out a sigh, another shy smile following through.

"Why are you recording us?" She questioned. "Shouldn't you be like, talking to strangers or something?"

"Yea, shouldn't you?" His friend added while shoving the camera away.

This made him chuckle.

"I find, that my friends are far more entertaining."

"I find that your annoying ass, better get that thing out of our faces before I-" He turned and accidentally pushed his Gatorade off the table.

Victoria gasped, as red liquid immediately started to seep through the carpet.

"Fuck!" The guy hushed.

"Aren't we not allowed to have food or drinks in the library?" Harry cheekily asked; stated.

And his friend turned red, hurriedly rummaging through unwanted papers in his notebook to soak up the liquid before anyone saw.

"Well don't just sit there, one of you go find napkins or something!" He was distraught, now on his knees, trying to clean the impossible stain.

His face resembling a tomato; and his movements quick.

Victoria couldn't keep it in any longer.

Couldn't hold onto the situation.

She died laughing.

Seeing his panicked state, and idiotic choices, as more of a show than an incident.

She tried to contain herself, but the echo of her soft tone was bellowing.

It felt good, it felt needed.

She had to indulge in it.

Harry was right along with her, trying to catch his own breath.

Both of them sounded like sweet music together.

They sounded like something everybody wanted.

Her head tilted back, as the giggles continued. The softness of her hand covered her mouth.

The more pleading looks Harry's friend was giving them, the more she felt the endless humor in it all.

Just as she started to contain herself, she heard the click of a button.

Looking down, her expression softened.

He'd been recording her.

And when she found him; he said nothing.

Only smirked.

(Guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated. It's midterm week. Which means unfortunately I most likely won't be updating at all this coming week. I'm sorry! But between work and school, it's stressful. I will try though. And votes and comments will help my motivation! Love you all, thanks again!)

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