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She was cursing profusely under her breath; rummaging through her backpack.

"I know It's in here." She muttered to the barista who was patiently waiting for her to pay.

"I'm really sorry." Victoria hushed again, while still coming up empty.

I must of left it on my dresser. She configured.

Her pride was preparing for the blow of having to leave her coffee, and walk away.

Just as she sighed and dropped her bag; a hand abruptly was holding a five dollar bill in front of her.

Her eyes widened, and her heart rate picked up.

The small cross tattoo above his thumb, was a dead giveaway; enlacing his tall figure coming into view.

"Keep the change." Harry rasped, while nudging it to the cashier.

Even the girl behind the counter bloomed at his generosity; his looks- both were equally as breathtaking.

Moments later, a receipt was handed back to Victoria, and all she could do was blush.

"Uhhh, Thank you. I'll pay you back, I promise. I forgot my money this morning. But I mean, obviously I'm just realizing..." She rambled in embarrassment. "I mean, you already know, what I mean..."

Harry chuckled- eyes glistening with curiosity. "Don't worry about it.
Us Harvard kids have to stick together" He winked.

Her rising blush extended into a flame. She wanted to say a witty reply, another 'thank you' maybe? But she was stone cold against his gaze. Trapped in time with his emerald eyes.

Once he realized her uneasiness, he stepped closer.

"Although, speaking of sticking together. I have to insist you join me over there." He glanced to an empty booth, holding a majority of his things. "I seem to be having trouble with my book report, and I've seen you reading James Cochran, more than anything." He smirked.

He's noticed me in the library?!

The smile he wore, told more than his reasoning. This moment was odd, a bit awkward, but above all- confusing

"I couldn't-- you, you're-" Victoria struggled to find the words.

You're...too perfect.

too unaware.

too handsome.

"Sam's stepbrother." He finished.

As if she was going to replicate his answer, he seemed clueless to the shock immediately covering her face.

Victoria's eyes almost fell out of their sockets. An unexplained gasp falling from her lips.

"You're what?" She breathed.

"Sam's stepbrother. Wait, he hasn't told you?"

She shook her head.

A beat of silence past, before he began rubbing the back of his neck, and laughing nervously. "Well, I guess you just got me in trouble then." Harry smiled. "Why don't we go sit, yea?" He gestured.

Why is he doing this? She asked herself.

Out of the hand full of times they've spoken, not once had Victoria ever seen this side of him.

The one that drew people in. That made him popular and winsome.

She had witnessed it of course, but never had the privilege of seeing it first hand.

Until now, that is.

It was breathtaking.

Why now? Why here? Why me? Why has Sam never mentioned him? The questions poured from her mind, like a brewing storm, that Victoria could get lost in.

When she hesitated, he continued. "You know you don't really have a choice right? I paid for your coffee and may get my ass kicked later because of you; which means you're indebted to me."

His humorous threat, broke Victoria out of her stupor.

Playfully scoffing, her mouth formed a smile. "I said I would pay you back."

"Yes, but I already told you that I don't want your money. Time is much more valuable." His eyes lit with a spark.

She tried to expand her lungs, swallow; Maybe even look at him directly. But it was all just so unachievable.

"Why?" Her voice shook; Lips straightening.

He glanced away, then back at her. His jaw clenched, and eyes hardened.

"Because I need your help."

(Guys thankyou so much on the 7 votes last chapter! I know I said I would make this longer, but today got ahead of me! I'm so so so sorry! So to make it up, instead of updating Monday, I'm going to update tomorrow and Monday! I hope that's okay! I really appreciate all of you! And if any of you know how to put gifs on here, please tell me how lol, thanks again!)

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