Her world.

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It was delirious.

The way the sounds pounded; the bodies moved; smoke drifting; alcohol spilling.

It made things clear; made them crystal.

How different they were, how far apart they seem.

This was a party for a fraternity, this was the truth for Victoria.

She came to find him.

To ask him why? Tell him she understood, and find closure in whatever reply he had.

After tonight, she's sure she'll become someone else.

Maybe a stranger; maybe one of those sad stories that people begin writing novels about.

Maybe she'll try drinking, or smoking, maybe even sex.

Anything to blur the idea of not having him.

Of not achieving anything.

But she knows what she's doing; what she has to; what is intended.

Pushing, apologizing through bodies.

She goes on.

Until some drinks are spilled; until someone murmurs profanities; until men try and pry her from the crowd to enjoy. Until she sees him.

Eyes glassy, smile bright.

A beer clutched in hand, a girl under the other.

He was telling a story.

She could tell by the excitement in his tone; dimples prominent; brows raised.

Like the music, he was centered to be the most important part of events like this.

That's why peers crowded around him; why women were exposing their cleavage or laughing to loudly.

It made her sick; made her rethink coming here; made whatever this emptiness inside her was, expand, so she could feel nothing.

She was going to leave; to acknowledge this was the answer.

His response didn't have to be verbally told, because it was engraved in alumni jackets, beautiful women, and parties she was far to out of league for.

She had her answer; she just wasn't to responsive on wanting to hear it, know it, live it.

Her brilliant idea, crumpled and soured right in front of her. Much like most things.

"Beautiful, isn't he?" A light voice snapped her out of her self deprecating.

She glanced over, finding a girl who was far to beautiful; far to dense; to be talking to Victoria.

She was slightly embarrassed she'd been caught; but then she wonders when love became embarrassing?

When love began hurting; and taking. Until she was here, awkwardly gawking at a girl she hardly knew- in a party that was entirely below her standards.

"He is." She solemnly replied.

The girl let out a tiring sigh, as if to say, she knew all to well.

Which only made Victoria's stomach churn more.

"To bad Brooke has him wrapped around her little finger. All that time, and they never seem to move on."

She talked like she was talking to no one at all; as if statements were conversations, and conversations were for anyone.

"I thought they broke up?" She replied, acting disinterested.

"Oh honey." She shook her head; like she was talking to a naive child. "Break ups are code for fucking without any labels. They love each other." She shrugged. "They can't just stop cold turkey."

By the time she finished, her voice seemed distant.

Victoria felt a ton of bricks plow against her chest; felt the world tip and fall until she was crashing with it; because it was only her world that was being destroyed, no one else's.

With a gasp of air, she began taking long strides. Began running off of anger, and heat. Began ignoring the confusion of the beautiful stranger she left behind.

Tears threaten to spill; warmth spread into a fire; life seemed cruel.

She reached him, directly planting her feet pin point in front of him.

Harry's eyes widened, taking her in. Almost lustfully, but then slowly hardened when he could see the look on her face; realized who she was, and wondering why she was even here.

The people around him grew quiet, waiting for something to conspire.

Silence; gazing; only them.

"I hate you." Victoria whispered.

This took him off guard, made him dizzy but lucent at the same time.

Worried she knew what he did.

His mouth twitched, he was going to speak.

But with no hesitation at all, Victoria's hand slapped him so hard against the cheek, her palm felt hot.

The sound was deafening, the gasps too.

Before anything could be said or done, she ran.

Letting the tears fall, letting the ground she walks on crumble, letting fate take it all away from her.

Letting him go.

(So sorry about not updating Saturday, I was running on zero sleep, and that's why I said (hopefully) in the last authors note, because I knew I maybe couldn't. Sorry again, love you all, thanks so much for reading!😘)

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