Mice and Men.

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He'd been gone for weeks.

Leaving nothing, but the reminisce of his presence.

You don't even know him. The factual thought resonated and repeated itself, until it became second nature.

Days stirred; churning with something absent. Molding together, and becoming impassive.

Who cares.

Though the words seemed sensible, the idea of them were cut short by the instant rebuttal of his figure, walking through the entrance.

she felt it; hard and fast.

The replenishment of something within her. It felt good; tortured. It was wavering between, deranged and reasoned.

Her sight was heavy as it followed his every move. Taking in the pain of his anguished features. Noticing the bags under his eyes, or the way he inconceivably looked past everyone.

The glimmer was gone, the light was faded.

His feet almost dragged against the carpet toward the Iles. Catching on his missed steps.

The determination in his eyes, made it clear he was looking for something, and the closer he got; the more specific it became.

His fingers delicately ran across the books against the shelves, as if it was home; as if it was the only thing familiar to him.

Eye brows furrowed; jaw clenched.

He was irritated- making something inside her stir.

With a huff, he turned. Strides long and adamant; heading for the front desk.

The librarian's face grew pale. Thoughts of him yelling, causing scenes.

But a slight tinge of pink to her cheeks contradicted her fear. Unfolding a possible desire, instead.

He spoke to her thoroughly, watching every increment of eye contact she'd give him. With a nod to her head, and a shy smile, she backed away from him.

Papers shuffling; then hands typing.

Only moments later, she returned to the podium. Speaking for quite sometime, until they both grew quiet.

The librarian's soft gaze scanned the room, abruptly landing on Victoria's innocent glare.

Then all to suddenly, the librarian gestured to her.

It was then, that she met his piercing irises; Unexpectedly boring into hers.

Dark; hidden; scared.

She followed his gaze to the book absentmindedly laying in her palm.

'Mice and Men'

That's what he's looking for; that's what he wants.

With a sudden urge to throw it across the room, or run as far as her feet will take her; she'd realized it was all to late, because he was headed straight for her.

(Sorry to leave you hanging 😁 updating tomorrow though, and thank you for reading! Even if there is only two of you lol. Press the star down there to make a wish, and make my wishes come true 😉 all the love xx😉😘)

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