Why take?

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The awareness of how close he was; how unbelievably overbearing his presence could be, intensified everything.

"You won't pick up my calls, but you can make time for date night?!"

He was being defensive; maybe jealous? As if she was betraying him in some demented way.

That thought alone, made her dizzy.

Made her confused, but also coherent.

"You can't be serious." She bit back, turning to face him.

In the dim lights of the restaurant she hadn't seen the bluish tint around his eye, didn't notice the way it looked painful or traumatic.

But under the radiant street lamp, it was clear.

The furrow of his brow; the anger; the bruise.

"What happened to your eye?"

She flushed, unconsciously leaning in for a better look.

"It's nothing." He drew away, backing into the darkness. Where figuratively he belonged in her mind.

"Do you like him?"

The subjects drifting between their conversation were so haywire, that she was confused on what answers belonged to what questions.


"The guy, obviously. Do you like him?"

She let out a long sigh. Knowing she'd already forgotten about the gangly boy once she saw him.

Knowing, he knows the answer, so why ask?

Why take?

"If I say yes, will you go away?"

There was a drifting silence, one that always corresponded when they got together at any time, in any moment.

"Maybe." He clenched his jaw.

"Then yes, I do."

"That's such bullshit!" He yelled, startling her and the few bystanders walking by. "A couple weeks ago you said you loved me, and now you've conveniently just, moved on?!"

She didn't like this look in his eyes, this temperamental gaze.

It was like he was going to hyperventilate or combust into flames, all while standing in front of her.

"You're in there with her!" She gestured, stepping closer. "I know your answer, hell, you've always known mine! So what do you want?!"

They were close now, mere inches.

Deafening silence; heavy breaths; chilling wind.

"You better get back, I'd hate for her to wait for you like I did." She whispered.

Growling, leaning; he kissed her.


(Short?: yes.
Anatomy homework tonight?: yes.
Do I love all of you?: Always❤️)

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