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"Okay, so managing development of rural countries, also involves...What?" Sam questioned, holding the flash cards conveniently away from her.

Victoria bit her lip in concentration.

"Is it..." She clucked her tongue a few times "Development of rural tourism?"

Sam's mouth widened into an adamant grin.
"Why, yes it is."

Her smile radiated giddiness.

That'd been the last flash card of the deck. And more importantly; it was answered correctly.

Her sigh of relief felt everlasting.

"It looks like someone's not going to be cashiering, at the good ole Micky D's" he joked, nudging her playfully.

She giggled, swelling with pride at her studying accomplishments.

They both took in the moment, letting a comfortable silence drift between them; before Sam started gathering his things.

"Hey Sam?"

"Hm?" He mumbled while shoving his books into his bag.

"I just, Uh, want to say thankyou for all your help. I know you had better things to do, and I honestly am going to pay you back, like somehow I'll-"

"Hey, shhhhh. Let's not get into that."

He unexpectedly leaned down, and planted a soft kiss to her cheek.

"You're payment enough."

Victoria's cheeks instantly inflamed. Embarrassment clearly etched into her delicate features.

"Anyway, I better get going, I have a physics paper due at midnight, and I left my hard drive in my room. So, I'll see you Tuesday."

Victoria could only nod, her mind and body being to skittish for anything else.

"Later Vick." He smirked, throwing a wink in doing so, while turning to leave.

Once his figure disappeared through the entrance, she let out another sigh.

What was that?

She was perplexed. Sam has feelings for me? Since when?

She recalled all the times he scolded her, or pulled at his outlandish blonde hair in frustration. All in the matter of her name.

She began thinking back, searching for hints or any sort of insinuation. But her thoughts were quickly cut short by an intimidating gaze, meeting her across the room.

Harvard Boy.

He snickered at their intense eye contact. Throwing her a soft smile.

She quickly returned a small one, before looking down at her lap.

She stayed this way until she was certain the coast would be clear.

But to her dismay, when she finally glanced back up; his eyes still flickered with amusement.

How long has he been here?

She always saw him come and leave, but today was different. Today, she hadn't realized.

Maybe it was because of the whole Sam fiasco. She thought.

He nodded his head precipitously, in a friendly manner.

With a burning complexion, she did the same.

Harry shot her one last smile, before going back to his book.

And Victoria etched it's perfections into the eminence of her mind.

(Double update for the oh so wonderful Keirra 😘)

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