The truth.

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The difference between the truth and what Harry desired, was far apart. Masking; gloating; destroying his life.

To much time; to many lies.

He felt it, that disconnect, the swarming menace of guilt taking over.

How could he? This wasn't right; this wasn't the plan.

He just knew the longing; her skin; remembers the feel of her; the way she laughs.

It's enough- for him.

She's enough to mask the blank void, enough to forget, if only for a moment.


Victoria's pleading eyes were holding all...

Tell me.

I love you.

Why can't you just love me?

He took it in with an open mind. Feeling the pull; the tether that binds them; the twist; the sickness rivaling to uproar.

All so contradicting.

"Wait in the car Ben, It'll be a few." He glanced toward his driver, while immediately hearing the shuffle of his steps, and the echo of the door shutting.

"Sit." He demanded, while gesturing toward the steps.

Victoria kicked a pebble, striding, then sitting. Coyly tilting her head, and watching his exterior slowly become barren.

She watched with pure vigilance. Hoping he could do this. That maybe, the truth could set them free. Could render all.

But it didn't seem fair or just.

Because he couldn't stop pacing, couldn't stop raking his fingers repeatedly through his hair.

Nervous; on edge.

He stopped. Looked at her; decided.

He'd tell her the truth, but not all. He couldn't lose her now; not yet...maybe not ever.

"You really want to know?"

The whistling breeze felt blissful against their skin. Countering the heavy air between them.


He let out another sigh, his hand running over his face in an attempt to gain some control.

"Then you'll come with me? To Maine?"

He had to ask; to know.

So delicate, so open, he burned holes on her fragile skin from how hard he was staring.

This was the third time he'd asked; little did she know he'd happily try a million more times, if it meant 'yes.'

She glanced away, as if she was looking for answers in the solemn sky.

Then the silence was to much; then it was slowly killing them.

"I don't know." She shook her head. "I mean, fuck, why should I?!"

He'd never heard such fowl language pour from her lips- but all the same, he still looked at her for reassurance.

"Because I need you."

"Tell my why! Why you need me!"

She stood up, already letting her emotions take over whatever content was settling between them.

"I'm trying! If you'd just listen!"

Something in his eyes told her...


You can't understand.

I don't understand.

They both knew each other to well now, saw most answers before the questions were even asked.

So with an exasperated huff, Victoria sat back down, awaited for the end.

Knowing all to well, this couldn't possibly repair anything; yet she's still here, praying for a miracle.

(Next chapter you'll finally get some answers! Btw sorry guys! I've been really lazy! But I have homework and exams Wednesday, so I'll be updating Wednesday night!😘 love you all, thanks for reading.)

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