All for a boy.

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The daylight broke whatever was decaying in her chest.

He hadn't talked to her in days.

Ignoring calls, or dodging her presence.

Sometimes if she thought to hard, she couldn't breathe. Couldn't fathom a life away from him completely.


That's all that could be said.

Just love me.

That's all that could be felt.

I love you.

That's all she had.

Maybe he lost her, or maybe he never wanted her.

She came and went with the notions of why why why? But always ended with what is is is.

The voicemails; the texts; the library. All became second nature. Trying and finding a way to talk to him, to comprehend.

But when she saw him across the yard; a book shoved in hand, a grin apparent, talking to a gorgeous blonde; who was leaning to close.

It hit her. Like a streak of lightening, on a stormy night.

He's Someone else, You're yourself.

She left, she ran, she wished, she cried, she knew.

His life was surpassing, and hers was declining.

So cliche; always cliche.

He was ruining her, but he was withering away before her very eyes.

She tried to breathe, but she couldn't.

She could only gasp for air, and clutch whatever sheet or pillow she had.

Sobs escaping; eyes clenched shut, as if she could block out the world.

All for a boy.

That's what was whispering around and around, until she felt dizzy, until she felt nauseous.

She wished she had a mother.

One that wasn't murdered.

One that would tell her what to do, how to let go.

Victoria wished she'd never of met him.

Wishes he'd hold her now, and tell her she was wrong about everything she was feeling.

But both knew she wasn't.

And that's enough to break her.

(Sadness 😢 don't shoot me!😫 Comment thoughts, I'd appreciate. I love you all so much, I know it's short, but I have anatomy homework. Update: Saturday {Hopefully}. Thanks again for reading 😘)

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