Chapter 1: Safe or Not

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'Where am I' I asked myself. My ears were ringing, head spinning. I started slowly sitting up; feeling a sharp pain in my arm. I looked down, seeing a bandage tinted red. What happened?

My eyes trailed around the whole space I was in, my vision blurred; and all of a sudden a person was infront of me.

"Y/N!" The boy screamed.

That voice, I knew that voice.

It was Newt.

I remember now.

"Oh my god you're alive." He wrapped his arms around me, and then placed his hands on my cheeks, kissing me hard.

It feels like I haven't kissed him in forever. I reached my hand up to his face and brushed his hair to the side.

"I-i thought you were dead." Newt's voice cracked and I saw his eyes welling up with tears. He rubbed his hand over the bandage on my arm. I smiled softly, and looked around at my surroundings. I realized we were inside a helicopter.

"Where are they taking us?" I asked.

"I don't know-" Newt whispered, "but it's all over now. We're safe."

Within miliseconds of saying that, a loud rushing noise was heard and I felt the helicopter landing. We landed with a thud, and then the door opened loud and fast.

"GET OUT! QUICKLY! MOVE IT!" People with suits and guns were screaming at us. One by one, each of the remaining gladers were thrown out and into the outside world. It was dark, and gunshots filled the air. My head bolted left and right as I spun around, absorbing in the area surrounding me. I turned and looked up at a hill, and saw human shaped things running around crazily. The people in suits shot them, and the things fell to the ground.


Newt grabbed my hand, and we both scrambled in the direction everyone was heading. The 'guards' shoved us into a building, and the doors closed, locking us inside.

"What is happening." Thomas said, breathing deeply.

"How the hell am I supposed to know shuck face?" Minho rolled his eyes.

I looked over at Teresa, and she looked just as scared as I did.

"Welcome!" Somebody said.

All the gladers turned at once, facing the direction of the voice.

My eyes connected with a dark grey haired man. He wore a leather jacket with a sweater, and dark pants. His hair was slicked.

"He looks like a rat." Minho snorted. "Im gonna call him ratman." 

I just shrugged at him. I was to scared to do anything at that moment.

The man had two guards with guns standing next to him. Talk about protection.

"My name is Janson." He placed his hands behind his back. "Come with me."

Everyone skiddishly followed him down corridors that looked to be having construction.

Metal bars were what made up the whole structure, and welders were surrounding everhwhere, causing sparks.

"Careful." Ratman said. Newt jumped a bit when some sparks went right infront of him.

Ratman- Janson, lead us down a hallway, and then to a door. He grabbed a key card, and slid it through the lock thing. (a/n idek wth its called)

We went down another long hallway until we stopped at another door, which he opened.

"Uh where are you taking us?" Thomas asked.

"Your new lives." Ratman said, shoving everyone in the room, except me and Teresa.

"What are you doing with Y/N?!" Newt said, anger in his tone. "Don't touch my girlfriend!"

Ratman looked at Newt then me, smiling a devilish smile.

"We are just going to run some tests. She will be back soon."

The guards started closing the door, and I started peotesting, trying to grab at Newt.

"Y/N!" I heard him call before the door closed.

The guards led Teresa and I to some kind of lab.

"Hello, I'm Dr. McKay. I'm just going to take some blood."

I stared at the needled layed out on the metal table. I shiver ran down my spine. I can distinctly remember I dont like needles.

Teresa looked over at me, while getting her needle, acting uneffected.

The Dr stuck the needle in and I tensed up, making it hurt more.

"Shit." I cringed. The blood was collected in the needle, and then she finally pulled it out.

"Ok. He will take you back to your friends." The Dr nodded towards the guard. I nodded, standing up. I looked at Teresa, and she was being taken away elsewhere.



The door was opened and I rushed in towards Newt. We embraced and he kissed my forehead.

He pulled away, hands on my shoulders.

"What did they do to you? Are you ok? Did they hurt you? Di-" He started but I cut him off.

"Its ok. I'm fine. They just took some blood." I reasurred him.

Everyone was silent for a minute, untill a voice spoke.

"Where is Teresa?"

I turned my head, and looked at Thomas.

"I-I don't know. They took her somewhere else. Maybe another room?"

Thomas shook his head, and walked towards his bed, flopping on it. "I don't trust these guys." I heard him whisper.

Maybe he's right.

AYEEEEEE hope you like this chapter allthough its like rly boring... woopS.

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