Chapter 2: Hung

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QUICK A/N - Ok so this is gonna be like the book AND movie.


I layed awake on my semi comftorble bed, thinking about everything.

How we just escaped the maze, how we were rescued from there, and now were here. Are we going to go home? See whats left of our families?

I was just so confused.

Every glader accept Thomas seemed to trust this place. I know Newt loved it- but i was pretty much agreeing with Thomas. That Janson guy...just doesnt sit right with me.

All that could be heard in the room, was a clock ticking, and the faint snores and whimpers of gladers. I looked over at the clock, checking the time. It was about 1am. As I turned on my side, I heard some fumbling around, and then foot steps. The tap turned on, and I could hear someone drinking and splashing it on there face. I twirled around and saw Thomas there. His head was down and hands grasping the sides of the sink with such force, that the tips of his fingers turned white.

I slowly got up and walked over to him. I placed a hand on his shoulder, which made him jump, but calm down as soon as he saw it was me.

"Thomas- are you ok?" I whispered, not wanting to wake the other gladers.

"No-no i- i." He studdered and couldnt finish.

"Shh Thomas its ok. Its ok. You can tell me." I placed my hands on his shoulders.

He let out a shaky breath, and started talking. "I'm uh worried about Teresa...and i still feel weird around these guys...They say they saved us from WCKED....I dont believe that."

"Do you like Teresa? I asked.

"No- uh yes. Uh I dont know. Yes." He said. I smiled.

"Dont worry Thomas, I bet she is ok. All the beds here are taken up, so maybe she went to another room." I kissed hos forehead.

He smiled softly. "Your right. Thanks Y/N." He hugged me, squeezing softly.

"Go get some rest Ok?" He nodded and smiled walking to his bunk. I did aswell, and as my head hit the pillow, i fell into blackness.


Frantically, I woke up when I heard screaming and footsteps everywhere.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I screamed and everyone stopped screaming but one person. I turned my head to look where the screaming was, and saw the only window in our room was smashed, and had some...thing, screaming bloody murder. It was foule, and smelled of rotting flesh. Its was was like splotches of green moss all over its head. Its almost as its cheeks were being eaten away by acid, because you could see its teeth through its flesh, dripping tinted red saliva.

I was honestly so frightened to do anything. I didnt even know it could talk, until its harsh squeal of a voice said over and over; "KILL ME, IM A CRANK! KILL ME! KILL ME! KILL ME!"

I ran over to Newt, putting my face in the crooke of his neck, hiding from the horrid sight.

"We gotta get out of here!" Minho screamed. Thomas, Frypan, Minho and Winston all ran towards the door.

"THREE... TWO.... ONE.... NOW!" They all ran at the door, ramming their shoulders into it. The door opened, hitting the outside wall so hard, I could almost feel the ground shake.

Outside the room, it was pitch black. So black, I couldnt even see my hand.

"Ok everyone try and find a light switch." I seperated from Newt, and started movie forward. I rammed into something hard, making an ouf sound. It sounded like other gladers did to.

"Be careful...there is something handing from the ceiling...." Minho said. I rammed into a few more tabled and the objects.

"Found the lights!" Newt hollared. Seconds later, bright lights cascaded all around the room. It blinded me a bit, and once I adjusted to the light,  I screamed at what was infront of me.

Bodies were hanging from the ceiling...and I was face to face with one.

I fell backwards on my butt from being startled.

The faces looked as if they were that way for...days? But we just ate in that very room yesterday? 

The faces of the people were pale and tinted purple blue. Their tongues were sticking outside of their chapped puffy lips.

Everyone was silent untill someone softly spoke.

"I know those people." Thomas said.
"They're the ones who rescued us."


DUNANSHSIABS OK i kno its short but thats bc i wanna end it there :3 Cliff hanger kinda thang. If you read the books, this would make sense for you. If you have only seen the movie...then you should really read the books and then youd get it xD



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