Chapter 25: Help

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As soon as I realized Newt wasn't within the vicinity, my ears began to ring. A dull pain began to rise inside my head, increasing to an intense pounding by the minute. My breathing quickened, the sharp, fast intakes of breath beginning to make me feel dizzy as I hyperventilated.

Why wasn't Newt here? Where was he? Had he possible been on another train train cart?

All the eyes of the scared passengers peered right through me, my own eyes darting amongst all the faces, losing focus. I staggered backwards, hitting one of the seats, my feet beginning to trip on themselves.

"No- no, no." I muttered. My eyes began to swell with tears and I choked back a sob.

"Y/N! What's wrong?" Thomas ran inside the compartment and over to me, grabbing my arms to support me. He held me in front of him, staring at me full of concern, his eyebrows creased. "Y/N- Y/N calm down, calm down." He grabbed my face, each hand caressing a cheek. My eyes darted everywhere but his face.

"Y/N look at me." Thomas demanded, and my eyes immediately snapped to his. Thomas' face softened, sadness washing over his expression when he took in mine.

"I- where's Newt?" My voice quivered, tears spilling out of my eyes.

"I don't know, but we will find him okay?" Thomas didn't let go of my face, his thumbs rubbing underneath my eyes, wiping the tears. I began crying heavier and heavier as the moments past, my breathing quickening and my shoulders shaking along with my sobs. I let myself bellow out in pain, not caring about the staring teenagers.

"He's gone. He's gone. I'm going to lose him forever." Negative thoughts swirled my mind, and I clung to Thomas, my hands trapped in fists around the grey cloth he wore. I tugged on his shirt. Thomas pulled me into his chest, holding me protectively, one hand across my back while the other held the back of my head against his body.

"He won't leave you." Thomas whispered, squeezing my body against his own. I let myself cry, allowing the tears to soak his shirt.

It was completely still and quiet in the train car as the others sat quietly listening.

After a minute or so, Thomas let go of me, his voice serious. "We don't have much time before the wicked guards get here Y/N, hand me the walkie-talkie and start taking the chains off of everyone."

I nodded slowly, wiping my face with my fingers, and reached down to my pocket to hand him the walkie-talkie.

Thomas met my eyes once more, nodding curtly, and then leaving hastily to outside the car.

I sniffled for a moment, letting myself get composed, before turning to meet the stares.

"Hi." I said awkwardly, trying to smile. "Sorry you had to witness that. I'm fine."

No one responded, dozens of eyes just gazing into my soul.

"Uh well we're gonna get you out, and you'll be safe." I smiled slightly again, beginning to remove the chains from one of the kids' hands. He stared at me for a moment before nodding, saying a quick thank you. This carried on for a moment as I moved from person to person, before I heard my name.

"Y/N." someone said, a familiar male voice.

My eyes glazed over the crowd quickly, before I made eye contact with someone I thought I wouldn't see again.

"Aris- and Sonya?" I asked shocked, immediately dropping the set of chains I was holding and sped over to them. "Please- what happened? Did you see Newt? Are you guys okay? What's going on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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