Chapter 9: Escape

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"What if we don't want to go to shuck scorch?" Minho said, crossing his arms.

"Like I said before." The man snarled. "There will be consequences."

I looked up at Newt, and then across the room at Thomas. Thomas was whispering to Aris. Something was up.

"I will give you ten minutes to prepare for departure." Ratman said, and then walked away.

"We arn't going through that 'flat trans'." Thomas said. All the gladers formed a circle.

"Agreed." Minho stated.

"Agreed." Newt looked at out hands, then his shoes. Thomas looked over at Newt, nodding.

"Ok. We need to find a way out of here. I want no part of this. WCKD is doing something to us. Get back to the room." Everyone nodded, and ran towards the room.

As soon as we were all in the room, we got to work.

Thomas wrapped our sheets around the door, blocking it. Him and Aris placed a mattress in front of the door.

"Thomas, can you bloody stop it for a minute? Tell us why were doing this?" Newt said staring intently at Thomas.

Tomas sighed. "Last night Aris and I found something out. Its wicked. Its always been wicked. They have bodies in a lab, connected to all these tubes. And-and they have Teresa. In this room thing. We need to get out of here. Now."

I looked at him and frowned. Was this really wicked? Or just him pulling a scheme?

But I trust him.

"We got to go now." Aris said. Thomas pulled out some sort of key card. It must have been to one of the labs or something.

"Where are we going to go?!" I asked softly.

Thomas looked at me. "He was talking about some group..the right arm. They are against wicked. They want them stopped. We need to find them. So we will head west."

"Whats the plan?" Winston said.

Thomas licked his lips. "Crawl through the vent, and then open the lab, get Teresa, and run."

Everyone nodded, and we all crawled through the vent.


We ran down the hallway and started running towards the lab, but as soon as we turn the corner, we ran into a lady.

"What are you kids doing out?" She said skeptically. Newt and I glanced at each other and then grabbed the lady dragging her by the arms.

An alarm sounded, lights flashing.

"I will meet you guys before we escape!" Aris said. Thomas stopped running. "Why?"

"I need to get something." Aris answered and turned around.

"I'll go to." Winston said, running after him.

Thomas, Newt, Minho, Frypan and I all started running down the hallways. Corridor after corridor, until shots were fired.

"Run the other way!" I screamed.

"There bloody shooting at us!" Newt yelled.

"I got this." Minho smirked, and then for a full on sprint. Minho ran towards a guy and as he lifted the launcher, Minho rammed into him with his knee, knocking the guy to the ground. He turned his head back towards us and smiled. He picked up the weapon, shooting the guy in the chest.

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